Durius Defaults on Debt to Patreus
denton Patreuspolicy/economy 22 December 2014
Senator Denton Patreus announced today in a press release that the government of the impoverished Durius system has defaulted on the loan he provided in 3294. The Senator has given them 24 hours to make the overdue payment or action would be taken. A haggard Governor Xavier Malachai, leader... Read more
Emperor to Marry Sweetheart
florence Lavignygalactic Newsharold Duvalhengist Duvalwedding 22 December 2014
A palace spokesman today announced on behalf of his grace Emperor Hengist Duval, that he is to marry Florence Lavigny, a sweetheart from his younger years. Under Imperial Law a marriage must be announced 30 days beforehand. Commentators have pointed out the Emperor could decree it to happen sooner,... Read more
Senator Torval Speaks out against Aisling Duval and Her Abolishionist Message
aisling Duvalgalactic Newszemina Torval 22 December 2014
Speaking to press in the jungle retreat on her yacht ‘Xanadu’ this morning, when asked about the comments Aisling Duval made on the chat show ‘Celebrity Pets’ Zemina Torval stated: “That illegitimate child Aisling Duval speaks out against slavery, but she knows nothing of it. Look at our streets.... Read more
Senator Patreus Declares Succession About Power Not Blood
denton Patreusgalactic News 21 December 2014
At the annual Feast of the 100, a banquet for key business leaders on Capitol in Achenar, one of the after dinner speakers, Senator Denton Patreus declared the importance of the Imperial succession. “We have a truly great Empire. Our grace Emperor Hengist is sadly not well, and I... Read more
Onionhead stories are dominating the Federal media, with teenage criminality being highlighted. The coverage has increased demand for the narcotic in Federal space higher than ever. Admiral Vincent has announced a program of crop destruction from low orbit around Panem. “Dropships, launched from our orbiting Farragut class battlecruisers, have... Read more
Arissa Lavigny is the Daughter of the Emperor
aisling Duvalarissa Lavigny-Duvalgalactic Newshengist Duval 20 December 2014
Arissa Lavigny, the outspoken courtier and the daughter of historic socialite Prince Aristide Lavigny (famously eaten by his own pet Linglang when Arissa was very young) has declared that the Prince was not her father. She claimed that she is in fact the illegitimate daughter of Emperor Hengist. She... Read more
Slave Rebellion Gains Traction
wars / conflictszemina Torval 20 December 2014
Reports are coming in that the slaves in Sorbago have taken control of many of the mines on Sorbago A1 and have massacred those in control. We have no reporters on the scene so cannot verify these stories. A spokeswoman for Mastopolos Mining Incorporated, which runs the mines and... Read more
Admiral Vincent Declares a Blockade of Kappa Fornacis
admiral Vincentfederationwars / conflicts 19 December 2014
Federal Admiral Vincent has declared a blockade of the Kappa Fornacis system to prevent the spread of the narcotic onionhead. Speaking after a meeting at the Admiralty in Quenisset on Mars he answered questions from waiting journalists. “The local government is failing to prevent the spread of this vile... Read more
16 December 3300 was the day President Halsey declared the onionhead narcotic illegal in Federal systems. The outrage amongst the Farmer’s Cooperative may be tempered by the fact that her edict doesn’t seem to have had much effect on Commanders’ activity, quite the oppostite in fact, with Kappa Fornacis’... Read more
Heir to the Throne Officially Mad
harold Duvalhengist Duvalpolicy/economy 19 December 2014
The sick Emperor Hengist Duval has managed to appear in the Senate, albeit in a travel chair, to issue a decree. He decreed Harold, his son, not of sound mind. This gives some credence to the claim in the more scurrilous news feeds a year ago that Hengist once... Read more