Coalsack Nebula Campaign Completes Initial Stages
allianceazimuthfederationthargoids 17 November 2020 Bot Galnet

*Pilots Federation ALERT*
An Alliance initiative has successfully prepared the Coalsack Nebula for exploitation and reduced the Thargoids’ presence.
Traders delivered shipments of power generators, robotics, structural regulators and building fabricators, which will be used to help construct several new facilities in the region.
The quantity of commodities received will result in construction of the following for the 26th of November 3306:
Betancourt Base Starport in the Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 system.
Additional services: Interstellar factor, human technology broker, encoded material trader, extended range of Multi-purpose ships.
Cole Point Starport in the CoalSack Sector VU-0 B6-6 system.
Additional services: Interstellar factor, raw material trader, extended range of Multi-purpose ships and mining equipment, fleet carrier administration.
Hannu Arena Starport in the Musca Dark Region IM-V C2-24 system.
Additional services: Interstellar factor, range of combat ships and weapons.
Bering Port Starport in the CoalSack Sector KN-S B4-9 system.
Additional services: Interstellar factor, improved outfitting options, manufactured material trader.
Commodore Morag Halloran of the Alliance Defence Force delivered an update on the security procedures:
“Our efforts to clear the systems of Thargoid vessels were hugely boosted by independent pilots. Their skills have enabled our transports to travel to the nebula in relative safety.”
The Alliance is collaborating with several corporations to investigate the Coalsack Nebula for commercial and scientific sites of interest.