The war-torn region of Volungu has been under intense scrutiny over the last few days, as a centuries-old feud between the Faveols and the Blossoms threatened to reignite and engulf the region in a wave of bloodshed. According to sources in the Patron’s Principles’ home system Liaedin, the attack... Read more
President Halsey Denounces Patron’s Principles
empirefederationjasmina Halseywars / conflicts 27 April 2015
This weekend saw the outbreak of a skirmish between Imperial and Federal forces in the small but significant system of Volungu. Reports indicate that the conflict was started by the Patron’s Principles, an Empire-aligned organisation based in the nearby Liaedin region. For years Liaedin was caught in almost constant... Read more
Reorte Liberated by the Alliance
alliancewars / conflicts 26 April 2015
After 3 weeks of intense activity in the Lave Cluster, the Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corps (AEDC) has managed to return control of Reorte to an Alliance aligned faction. Earlier this month, a local pirate group had attempted to rename the cluster as the “New Caribbean”. While local residents were... Read more
Shadow President Hudson returned to Mars today, where a throng of eager reporters waited to get the latest scoop on the Shadow President’s campaign to remove President Halsey from office. Instead the Shadow President had some choice words to say about the Merchant Marines and their unsanctioned operations in... Read more
Merchant Marines Launch Operation Papercut
denton Patreusempirejasmina Halseywars / conflicts 24 April 2015
Reports coming in from Eotienses indicate that a group of Federal Commanders, known as the Merchant Marines, are currently engaged in a series of unauthorised attacks against Imperial traders in the employ of Senator Patreus. In a statement released to GalNet, the Merchant Marines had this to say: “The... Read more
The Hunt for Justice
denton Patreusempirewars / conflicts 20 April 2015
Senator Patreus has today begun the process of sending his agents to reclaim the debt owed to him by the government of Kui Hsien. The Friends of Kui Hsien, the cooperative council that rules over the region, had previously entered into an agreement with Senator Patreus to supply Kui... Read more
Operation Tomahawk Aims to Rid Lave of CODE Threat
pilots achievementsPirateswars / conflicts 3 April 2015
As the war in Lave continues between CODE and Cosmic State, reports have emerged to suggest that Cosmic State have chosen Adle’s Armada as unlikely allies in what’s being called Operation Tomahawk. The accusation is that CODE are charging traders and others passers-by for “travel passes” in the Lave... Read more
In recent weeks the tiny system of Falisci has become a hotbed of activity. First came the war against the Falisci Purple Gang, which saw Senator Patreus and the Citizens of Tradition dominate the region with their superior firepower and overwhelming numbers. By the end of the week long... Read more
The turning point in the war came during the Federation’s attack on Read Gateway. Cormac Uí Laoghire led the defence of the outpost personally, and after several days of fierce fighting, the Crimson State Group finally managed to achieve their first victory by successfully defending Read Gateway. However, the... Read more
The strike against Federal civilians by the Federal Navy, coupled with the capture of Hartsfield Market a few hours later, caused mass confusion and disenchantment among Federal pilots operating in the area. Mercenaries who had previously fought for the Federation began defecting en masse, bolstering CSG forces to the... Read more