Galactic News: New Farragut Battle Cruiser Complete
The Beta Hydri Corporation has announced that the Federal campaign to construct a new Farragut Battle Cruiser is now complete. According to a company spokesperson, the galactic community responded positively to the appeal, resulting in the rapid construction of the new Federal vessel. Captain G.C. Richards, who oversaw the... Read more
Galactic News: Could Jasmina Halsey be Reinstated?
Following the extraordinary rescue of former Federal president Jasmina Halsey, whose escape pod was recovered from the wreckage of Starship One, questions have been asked about her possible return to power. According to an anonymous source within the Federal government, several senior-level politicians have voiced the opinion that, should... Read more
Freelance Report: Federal Investigation into Farragut Mystery
An official inquiry from the Congressional Oversight Committee has been launched after reports surfaced of a pirate-aligned Farragut Battle Cruiser striking out at Federation battle groups in the LHS 3447, Fuleum and HIP 16996 systems. The inquiry will also investigate unconfirmed reports of a rogue battle cruiser outside Federation... Read more
Galactic News: Bluford Orbital Nears Completion
LHS 3447 Dynamic and Co has announced that the campaign to construct a new starport in the LHS 3447 system has reached a successful conclusion. All the necessary materials for the starport have now been received, and the agitators disrupting delivery operations have been neutralised. A spokesperson for the... Read more
Community Goal: Expanding the Federal Fleet
Federal President Zachary Hudson has announced plans to create a new arm of the Federal Navy known as the People’s Navy, supported by local corporations rather than Federal taxation. The Navy will be established with a new Farragut Battle Cruiser, to be added to the 54th fleet. The new... Read more
Community Goal: Protect Traders in LHS 3447
The campaign to construct a new starport in the LHS 3447 system has been eagerly received by the galactic community, but recent reports indicate that the traders delivering metals for use in the construction project are being targeted by marauders. To protect these pilots, the Pilots Federation, in association... Read more
Freelance Report: Presidential Fleet Upgrade Questioned
Following the recent retirement of the last Saud Kruger Narwhal from the presidential fleet, critics of the Hudson administration have commented on the decision to make use of two Core Dynamics Farragut-class battle cruisers as presidential transport vessels. In an interview with the Federal Times, Congresswoman Kristine Lasky said:... Read more
Galactic News: Presidential Vessel Retired
For the past six years, the Federation has used a pair of customised Saud Kruger Narwhal Liners (upgraded variants of the successful Beluga Liner) as the personal vessels of the Federal president. Last year, one of these vessels was lost in a tragic accident. Today, the remaining vessel will... Read more
Galactic News: Starship One Destruction Linked to Mechanical Failure
A Federal investigation team has released the results of an official inquiry into the destruction of Starship One. The 600,000-word report confirms that the abnormal energy signature detected just before the ship made its last jump was almost certainly caused by mechanical failure. The report goes on to assert... Read more
Community Goal: Develop the Economy of Okinura
Following recent reports that the Earth Defence Fleet, a Federation-aligned faction, had assumed control of the Okinura system, the organisation has announced plans to develop the system’s economy. In a statement, a spokesperson for the organisation said: “Okinura has been marked for development due to its strategically significant position... Read more