Positive Response to Vitadyne Nanomeds
Post Views: 1,059 The Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO) has delivered a preliminary report on the nanomedicines recently developed by Vitadyne Labs. The summary stated: “Nanomedicine is a carefully regulated branch of medical science, with little scope for public application, but Vitadyne’s nanomeds are more sophisticated and reliable than any... Read more
Week in Review
Post Views: 940 Here are this week’s major stories. A new networked system named the Codex has been released to the galactic community. The Codex is a joint initiative from the Pilots Federation and Universal Cartographics, which announced that the system had been automatically uploaded to all vessels registered... Read more
Hadrian Duval Addresses the Empire
Post Views: 1,039 Hadrian Augustus Duval, the long-lost grandson of Emperor Hengist Duval, has broadcast a message to the Empire: “I am no wealthy senator from an entitled family, but someone who has lived an ordinary life. Someone who understands the hardships faced by many Imperial citizens.” “As Hadrian... Read more
Battle Commences in Wally Bei System
Post Views: 1,292 Conflict has erupted between two opposing factions in the Wally Bei system. Hostilities were triggered after Wally Bei Technical claimed to have discovered stolen food shipments aboard their rival’s transport vessels. The faction’s spokesperson said: “Robbing innocent people of vital supplies is nothing less than an... Read more
Children of Tothos Initiative Concludes
Post Views: 1,013 An initiative to deliver rare commodities to an esoteric cult in the Zlota system has concluded. Independent traders provided Aganippe Rush, Motrona Experience Jelly and Onion Head for a ceremony to be performed by the Children of Tothos. Other pilots protected the rare goods from being... Read more
Introducing the Codex
Post Views: 1,072 A new networked database system named the Codex has been released to the galactic community. The Codex is a joint initiative from the Pilots Federation and Universal Cartographics, which issued the following joint statement: “We are pleased to announce that the Codex has been automatically uploaded... Read more
Mamba and Krait Phantom Released
Post Views: 1,195 Two new ships marketed towards independent pilots, the Mamba and the Krait Phantom, have just hit the market. Zorgon Peterson issued the following press release for its new vessel: “If it’s speed and firepower you want, the Mamba is for you. Based on a racing prototype,... Read more
Mysteries of the Far God
Post Views: 991 Journalist Gethin Okonkwo has discussed the abandoned Far God cult outposts in the Etain system: “During my months undercover as a Far God worshipper, I heard only whispered rumours about secret outposts. So the existence of two such settlements, on Etain 4a and 4c, proves that... Read more
Week in Review
Post Views: 1,116 Here are this week’s major stories. Two corporations have merged to form one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the galaxy. Allied Medical Industries has united with Neosalve Inc. to create Neomedical Industries, which will sell drugs, equipment and services to both Alliance and independent systems.... Read more
Nova Imperium Unveils Figurehead
Post Views: 1,094 Isolationist group Nova Imperium has revealed its choice for Emperor – an eighteen year old man named Hadrian Augustus Duval. The group’s leader, Imperator Mordanticus, broadcast this message: “It is incumbent upon me to reveal that Hengist Duval fathered not one but two illegitimate children in... Read more