Aegis Renegades Attack Salvation’s Allies
aegisfederationgalactic Newsindependentthargoidswars / conflicts 11 November 2021 Bot Galnet

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*
A rogue Aegis Defense force has initiated conflict with Taurus Mining Ventures in the T Tauri system.
The megaship Musashi is commanded by Aegis’s chief military liaison Admiral Aden Tanner, who made this announcement:
“The Hind Mine asteroid base contains proof that Salvation’s unlicensed anti-xeno weapon is intentionally designed to provoke the Thargoids, and therefore endangers us all. As Taurus Mining Ventures refuses to cooperate, we have no choice but to obtain the evidence by force.”
“This may be our only opportunity to discover Salvation’s true ambitions. I urge all independent pilots who have fought alongside Aegis to help us complete this vital mission.”
Patience Middleton, a spokesperson for Taurus Mining Ventures, responded:
“This is an illegal attack that jeopardises the important work we are undertaking on behalf of Salvation. It is in the galactic community’s interests to defend our corporate headquarters.”
Aegis officially stated that Admiral Tanner is acting on his own authority, and that the Musashi’s presence in the T Tauri system is in direct violation of orders. Despite this, there are reports that Tanner has tacit support from many members of Aegis, who disagree with the public inquiry that has suspended its operations.