Alliance Sends Warning to Kumo Crew
ACTalliancearchon Delaineedmund Mahongalactic News 7 March 2023 Bot Galnet

Recent activities by the Kumo Crew syndicate in the California Nebula have been formally condemned by the Alliance.
Councillor Jed Trager supervised an investigation into the Kumo Council’s attempt to take control of several systems, ostensibly to defend them against a wave of Thargoid attacks. He summarised its findings during a session of the Assembly:
“Intelligence provided by Alliance Interpol agents proves that the underlying objective of the Kumo Crew’s anti-xeno militia was to dominate the California Nebula. The syndicate had gathered ships and infiltrated civil institutions weeks earlier, using bribery and coercion to pave the way for their takeover.”
“Further Thargoid attacks in the region were seen as inevitable, based on past behaviour and the prevalence of barnacle sites. When they occurred the Kumo Crew mobilised their pre-prepared forces, overthrowing local authorities under the pretence of ‘emergency security measures’.”
“Our investigation has concluded that this was a brazen act of aggression against Allied factions. The Kumo Crew illegally attempted to hijack the Alliance’s assets and impose direct rule over our colonies.”
Prime Minister Edmund Mahon delivered a public statement:
“The Kumo Council’s opportunistic attempt to profit from the horrors of a Thargoid invasion is a truly despicable act. But it has not gone unnoticed that they have suffered setbacks in Haithis, Kolabinates and Saontiana since this misguided effort to disrupt Allied operations. I am grateful to the communities within the California Nebula, and to those independents who aided them, for resisting these criminals.”
“My message to Archon Delaine is this: The Alliance is watching you.”