Week in Review Week in Review
Post Views: 2,194 Here are this week’s main stories. Kaeso Mordanticus, leader of isolationist group Nova Imperium, has been executed by Senator Denton Patreus.... Week in Review

Here are this week’s main stories.

Kaeso Mordanticus, leader of isolationist group Nova Imperium, has been executed by Senator Denton Patreus. All known members of the group have been put to death as part of a systematic purge, and citizens who supported Nova Imperium have been arrested for treason. Nova Imperium remains in control of the Paresa system, but with the organisation’s power base destroyed, it no longer poses a threat to the Imperial throne.

The decision of the Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO) to approve Vitadyne Labs’s nanomedicines has been condemned by Utopia. Simguru Pranav Antal issued a statement accusing the IHO of allowing Vitadyne to steal and replicate Utopian nanomedical technology purely for their financial gain.

In related news, Vitadyne has launched an initiative to establish a new pharmaceutical production facility. Neomedical Industries, which supplies Alliance and independent systems, and the Vandermeer Corporation, which operates exclusively within Federal space, have both been invited to compete for a distribution license.

The mysterious disappearance of actor Consuela Knight and the crew of her yacht has affected confidence in commercial space travel, negatively impacting many businesses. A memorial service to honour Knight’s career is planned, but has been overshadowed by rumours of abductions and disintegrations while in hyperspace.

Finally, a request for mined materials from the Omega Mining Corporation has concluded. Independent pilots delivered large quantities of raw materials, which will be used to build an Orbis starport in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system. The starport will serve as a centre for scientific research, gathering data on the supermassive black hole at the galaxy’s centre.

And those are the main stories this week.