Week in Review Week in Review
Post Views: 1,307 Here are this week’s major stories. The League of Reparation has been dismantled, according to the tri-superpower taskforce investigating the organisation.... Week in Review

Here are this week’s major stories.

The League of Reparation has been dismantled, according to the tri-superpower taskforce investigating the organisation. The announcement followed a successful operation to remove League forces from two systems – one in Federal and one in Imperial space. Riri McAllister, the League’s central coordinator, has been charged with multiple terrorism-related crimes.

The Church of Eternal Void, a fringe group that venerates the Guardians, has been declared illegal in every system where it operates. Cardinal Hieronymous and other senior members of the Church have been arrested for inciting acts of violence against the so-called ‘Far God’ sect, which worships the Thargoids.

Meanwhile, members of the Rochester family have come under attack following the engagement of Federal Ambassador Jordan Rochester to Princess Aisling Duval. Jordan Rochester’s niece Kali Rochester was the victim of a physical assault, while her father Jupiter Rochester, a Core Dynamics executive, has come under fire from both shareholders and management.

In other news, the classic children’s show Andromedaries, about spacefaring camel-like lifeforms, is being remade for modern audiences. The production company behind the reboot has promised a “dark, blood-soaked journey of psychological discovery”, prompting dismay from the creator and writer of the original programme, Vienna Langhorne.

Finally, the Alliance has announced plans to build a new Ocellus starport to further bridge the gap between the core systems and the Alliance’s outposts in the California Nebula. The organisation overseeing the initiative has placed an open order for mined resources to be used in the construction.

And those are the main stories this week.