The Princess and the Imperator
aisling Duvalempirehadrian duvalpolicy/economyzemina Torval 13 April 2019 Bot Galnet

News of a meeting between Princess Aisling Duval and Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval has caused controversy throughout the Empire.
Political journalist Cassia Carvalho reviewed the situation:
“Princess Aisling is surely aware that contacting Hadrian Duval was a politically risky move. Senator Zemina Torval has wasted no time in branding the princess ‘an ideological traitor’ for associating with isolationists.”
“Family connections aside, Hadrian’s traditionalist views do not align with Aisling’s progressive approach. But he is young and inexperienced, with policies inherited from the extremist Imperator Mordanticus.”
“Perhaps Aisling hopes that, by learning to adapt, this long-lost member of the Duval family may yet play a part on the galactic stage.”