Thargoid Fleets Invade Nebula Systems
aegispleiadesthargoidswars / conflicts 28 October 2021 Bot Galnet

*Pilots Federation ALERT*
Several inhabited systems in the Pleiades and Witch Head Nebulas have come under attack by large numbers of Thargoid ships.
An emergency has been declared by the authorities in multiple systems including Asterope, Shenve and Onoros. Thargoid vessels have again targeted starports, with casualties estimated in the many thousands.
Increased Thargoid activity has also been reported in the California and Coalsack Nebulas. Independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons are moving to defend the invaded systems and evacuate survivors from damaged starports.
Aegis is not currently able to assist, as the operational shutdown enforced by the public inquiry has led to many ships and pilots being withdrawn from service. Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison to Aegis, commented:
“Many of us in Aegis are frustrated that the Baumann Report has tied our hands. I am also convinced that these Thargoids are reacting aggressively to the weapon of mass destruction that Salvation deployed in the Cornsar system. Not only should we be fighting the alien threat, but Salvation must be prevented from escalating the war.”
The Taurus Mining Ventures megaship Bright Sentinel has moved to the Merope system at Salvation’s request. Reports indicate that tech brokers on board are offering a Guardian-hybrid plasma charger as well as material cost discounts to support the anti-xeno effort.