Elite Pilots Federation Alert Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 2,945 The authorities are reporting that they have managed to contain the dramatic increase in black-market trading in the past week with... Elite Pilots Federation Alert

The authorities are reporting that they have managed to contain the dramatic increase in black-market trading in the past week with numbers of illegally traded items considerable down on last week.

As a result the markets show a healthy rise this week after last week’s slump with trading profits up by almost 50%.

The recent reduction in commodity supply rates have driven traders farther afield in search of profitable trade routes, but it would seem that only 2% of Commanders can really call themselves adventurers visiting more than 20 different markets when exploring for opportunities and no single Commander has yet to trade commodities in every single market currently available. There are big profits to be made out there and new markets to trade in for Commanders who dare to travel!

Puzzled mechanics working in shipyards across the sector have noticed that some Frameshift drive cores have needed replacing much earlier than expected. One was overheard talking in a bar on Smithy’s Claim: “These cores are normally good for 1000 light years, and yet nearly 1 in 20 of my customers has needed a complete drive overhaul, where have these Commanders been flying?”

::GalNet Trade Aggregation Service Reports::
:: Market Information::

Ship Sales (by market share)
Module popularity has settled down, with Commanders strongly favouring Gimballed Multicannon and Fixed Cannon, Pulse Lasers and Burst Lasers.

Faulcon deLacy have been beating their chests this week, not only have they see a big rise in sales of all three of their ships which, now combined account for 40% of the market, we have also seen the introduction of their new retro flag range from ancient Earth, as custom Viper paint jobs. Clearly talks of an expanded product range were not just rumour!

All the other shipyards appear to have kept their market positions. Zorgon Peterson’s stalwart Hauler maintained its consistency with 27% market share and Lakon saw a slight drop of less than 1% in both their Type 6 and Type 9 ships which doesn’t seem to concern them too much.
Core Dynamics remain please with the slow but steady growth of Eagle sales this week reaching 14% of the overall market.

Most Profit Made From:
Consumer Technology
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Most traded black market goods:
Battle Weapons

Most goods bought and sold (By cargo units):
Consumer Technology
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Domestic Appliances
Computer Components

Top 5 Largest Importers, by Quantity of Good Traded:
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise
i Bootis: Chango Dock
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing
LFT 880: Baker Platform

Top Exports, Ranked by Quantity:
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect : Consumer Technology
i Bootis: Chango Dock : Fish
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise: Terrain Enrichment Systems
i Bootis: Chango Dock : Computer Components
h Draconis: Brislington : Domestic Appliances

Trade Tips & Hidden Gems:
Markets currently trading with good profits:
Pi-fang: Brooks Estate
h Draconis: Brislington
**LHS 417:Gernhardt Camp**
Nang Ta-khian: Hay Point
Naraka: Novitski Oasis

Elite Pilots Federation Alert Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 Pilots need to beware that, following a dramatic increase in the amount of goods being traded on the black market, particularly... Elite Pilots Federation Alert

Pilots need to beware that, following a dramatic increase in the amount of goods being traded on the black market, particularly Tobacco and Gold, the authorities are cracking down. It is thought that the increase in smuggling stolen goods may be as a result of a recent pirate propaganda video or may point to a breakdown in the legal system. Either way there will be zero tolerance if pilots are found with counterfeit goods in their cargo and new measures have been put in place to ensure all stolen goods are tracked.

::GalNet Trade Aggregation Service Reports::
:: Market Information::

Ship Sales (by market share)
Zorgon Peterson continued to maintain its grip this week. Their best selling trading ship, the Hauler is proving its worth with almost one third of market share. They certainly seem to have what the market wants!

Faulcon deLacy, sees no change in its 38% market share this week with steady sales of the Cobra but a slight decline in Anaconda sales. They are clearly looking for inventive ways of keeping their market position as their Sales Director was recently overheard talking about a new exciting range of paint jobs for the Viper!

Core Dynamics saw an increase in Eagle sales this week up to 13.2% , but Lakon saw a small drop in market share of both their Type 6 and Type 9 with 15% and 5% respectively.

Most Profit Made From:
Consumer Technology
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Auto Fabricators

Most traded black market goods:
Combat Stabilisers
Personal Weapons

Most goods bought and sold (By cargo units):
Consumer Technology
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Domestic Appliances

Top 5 Largest Importers, by Quantity of Good Traded:
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect
i Bootis: Chango Dock
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing
Achenar: Baker Platform

Top Exports, Ranked by Quantity:
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect
i Bootis: Chango Dock
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing
Achenar: Baker Platform

Trade Tips & Hidden Gems:
Markets currently trading with good profits:
Pi-fang: Brooks Estate
h Draconis: Brislington
Nang Ta-khian: Hay Point
Naraka: Novitski Oasis
Wyrd: Vonarburg Co-operative

Elite Pilots Federation Alert Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 The rumours of a financial scandal currently engulfing the Federation government have knocked confidence in federal debt to the point where... Elite Pilots Federation Alert

The rumours of a financial scandal currently engulfing the Federation government have knocked confidence in federal debt to the point where many now regard it as toxic. This seems to be triggering a Federation-wide credit-crunch that has affected both the stock levels that merchants are willing to hold, and the levels of industrial and consumer demand.

:: GalNet Credit Crunch Special Feature::
The Federation credit crunch is reducing stocks and demand across systems, dramatically altering the market situation and forcing pilots to look for new routes.

These graphs of stock levels illustrate the effect, and make grim reading:

Personal Weapons at Beagle 2 Landing

Biowaste in Freeport

Even Fish stocks in Chango Dock are starting to sink…
We can see that as merchants are now unwilling to hold much stock, the normal value of trading is wiping out supplies and leaving the markets with only sporadic trades.

But, all is not lost. Look at these examples of the market for Tea. The first graph is from Azeban City, a previously heavily traded market for Tea:

So far, so familiar.

But, in Dezhurov Gateway where Tea was historically lightly traded, we see a different situation with merchants able to meet market demands:

Commanders: the message is clear – the markets are out there, so get in your ships and find them!

GalNet’s weekly Trade Aggregation Service Reports contain a regular ‘Trade Tips and Hidden Gems’ tip feature.
::GalNet Trade Aggregation Service Reports::
:: Market Information::

Ship Sales (by market share)
Zorgon Peterson’s Hauler holds on to it number 1 spot with 26.4% market share. ZP had better give its hungry new marketing team a pay rise to secure their services!

Faulcon deLacy’s Cobra Mk III holds second place with an increased market share of 19.4%, the Viper gained even more share to 15.1% and their high-end Anaconda continues it positive momentum increasing to 4.3% market share. That all adds up to an impressive 38.8% combined market share for Faulcon deLacy ships.

Demand for the Core Dynamics Eagle continues to slightly soften this week to 12.7%.

Lakon’s versatile Type 6 trader again put in a dependable 16.1% market share, and the larger Type 9 continued its upward trend to 6.0%.

Most Profit Made From:
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Consumer Technology
Resonating Separators

Most profitable black market goods:
Battle Weapons
Performance Enhancers
Progenitor Cells

Most goods bought and sold (By cargo units):
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Advanced Catalysers
Consumer Technology
Resonating Separators

Top 5 Largest Importers, by Quantity of Good Traded:
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing
i Boötis: Chango Dock
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect
Dahan: Dahan Gateway

Top Exports, Ranked by Quantity:
i Boötis: Chango Dock: Fish
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise: Terrain Enrichment Systems
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect: Consumer Technology
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing: Resonating Separators
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing: Advanced Catalysers

Trade Tips & Hidden Gems:
Markets currently trading with good profits:
Pi-fang: Brooks Estate
h Draconis: Brislington
Nang Ta-khian: Hay Point
Naraka: Novitski Oasis
Tilian: Maunder’s Hope
Ross 1057: Wang Estate

Elite Pilots Federation Alert Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 1 The ongoing uneasy standoff between Eranin and the Federation looks like it is starting to deteriorate ahead of the 30th anniversary... Elite Pilots Federation Alert

The ongoing uneasy standoff between Eranin and the Federation looks like it is starting to deteriorate ahead of the 30th anniversary of Eranin’s independence. Long range scans and covert agents report a significant mobilisation of Federation forces, indicating that the Federation may be looking to spoil Eranin’s party.

Black market sales of battle weapons rose markedly this week.

Both pieces of news are perhaps not unrelated, and bode well for members who are partial to a bit of action…

::GalNet Trade Aggregation Service Reports::
:: Market Information::
Ship Sales (by market share)
Core Dynamics made what independent observers are calling a stunning coup this week with their announcement that all long serving Pilots Federation commanders will have the use of an Eagle for no cost beyond their Pilots Federation dues. The deal provides a rare glimpse of the huge influence and power wielded by the Pilots Federation, and characteristically few details of the financing of the deal have emerged. Needless to say, Core Dynamics are at the top of the pile this week with 100% market penetration!

Faulcon deLacy continue to dominate sales with a 40% share of the weekly market. Although the news from Core Dynamics no doubt rocked them back on their heels, we’ve heard rumours of the bigwigs at FdL puffing cigars in celebration of a secretive mega-deal of their own that they seem to have done – we’re pushing for more info, but it seems clear they have a something big of their own waiting to be announced…

Zorgon Peterson’s early wobbles are now well behind them – the Hauler is turning out to be a model of consistency, with 26% share this week.

After last weeks dip Lakon sales firmed up again to 16% share for the Type 6 and 5% for the Type 9.

Most Profit Made From:
Consumer Technology
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Most traded Black Market goods:
Battle Weapons

Most goods bought and sold (By cargo units):
Consumer Technology
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Domestic Appliances
Computer Components

Top 5 Largest Importers, by Quantity of Good Traded:
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise
i Bootis: Chango Dock
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing
LFT 880: Baker Platform

Top Exports, Ranked by Quantity:
LHS 3262: Louis de Lacaille Prospect : Consumer Technology
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise: Terrain Enrichment Systems
i Boötis: Chango Dock : Fish
i Boötis: Chango Dock : Computer Components
h Draconis: Brislington : Domestic Appliances

Trade Tips & Hidden Gems:
Markets currently trading with good profits:
Pi-fang: Brooks Estate
h Draconis: Brislington
LHS 417:Gernhardt Camp
Nang Ta-khian: Hay Point
Naraka: Novitski Oasis

::And Finally::
Last week’s information that no Commanders have traded in every available market stimulated at least one of our number. We received this transmission:

I, Commander Erik Marcaigh, claim to have now traded, both buying and selling goods, at every Commodity Market visible and reachable by my scanners. I made sure to make a profit at each market as well, no matter how small it may have been.
I have also visited every single solar system my ship currently has capability to reach. Some systems were a brief visit, while others held me over as I explored a bit.
That’s 55 solar systems reached and 41 Commodity Markets, using my trusty Lakon Type 6 “Karma” over the course of 8+ hours of flying and trading.

Elite Pilots Federation Alert Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 A recent skills review undertaken by the Pilots Federation has shown a considerable improvement in the general flying skills of all... Elite Pilots Federation Alert

A recent skills review undertaken by the Pilots Federation has shown a considerable improvement in the general flying skills of all members. Many members have credited the new Docking Computer as a valuable aid, which has seen a good uptake across all shipyards.

However, it would appear that although sales of Docking Computers have been very healthy over the past week, they have been outstripped by sales of Point Defence Turrets.

It is understood that many members are seeking to defend themselves against a growing numbers of missile attacks. The accuracy of heat seeking missiles is reputed to be over 70% so there is clear concern amongst Pilots over the need for defence.

This may also explain the unexpected rise on the black market of personal weapons…

::GalNet Trade Aggregation Service Reports::
Weekly Pilot Federation Member Profits:
Weekly profit exceeded 10 billion credits for the first time.

:: Market Information::
Ship Sales (by market share)
The ship market appears to have settled somewhat after last weeks shake up.

Zorgon Peterson’s Hauler continued to impress and grabbed a staggering 39% market share this week.

Falcon deLacy bolstered by their unexpected success last week, re-energized their Cobra Mk III sales to 17% of the overall market and with rumours of new paint jobs becoming available soon their new Viper took 11% of the market in anticipation. And showing their breadth of the market, their high-end Anaconda started to make its mark with some encouraging initial sales.

The Core Dynamics Eagle left its struggles behind with an almost 15% market share.

Lakon’s versatile new trader, The Type 6 increased in popularity but their Type 9 is off to a slow start.

Most Profitable Goods
Consumer Technology

Most profitable black market goods are:
Battle Weapons
Progenitor Cells
Performance Enhancers

Most Traded Goods
Most goods bought and sold (By cargo units)
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Resonating Separators
Advanced Catalysers
Agricultural Medicines

Top 5 Largest Importers, by Quantity of Good Traded
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise
i Bootis: Chango Dock
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing
Dahan: Dahan Gateway
Azeban: Azaban City
Top Exports, Ranked by Quantity

i Bootis: Chango Dock : Fish
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise: Terrain Enrichment Systems
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing: Resonating Separators
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise: Agricultural Medicines
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing: Advanced Catalysers

Trade Tips & Hidden Gems
Market Watch
Markets currently trading with good profits:
Pi-fang: Brooks Estate
Nang Ta-khian: Hay Point
Tilian: Maunder’s Hope
LHS 417: Gernhardt Camp
h Draconis: Brislington

:: And finally::
Fish are still swimming at the top of the traded good charts this week, however they are proving slippery – over 12,765 canisters of Fish have been found ejected in deep space.

Elite Pilots Federation Alert Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 2 Thought to be as a result of a recent successful recruitment drive, which has seen a marked increased numbers of new... Elite Pilots Federation Alert

Thought to be as a result of a recent successful recruitment drive, which has seen a marked increased numbers of new Pilot Federaton members, all star ports have reported a significant rise in accidents and violations. Members are kindly advised to take extra care when approaching star ports and adhere to all docking and exiting protocols.
Demand for the new Docking Computers has exceeded analysts’ expectations, with shipyards reporting these utility modules are more popular than the previous best selling C2 Pulse Laser.

GalNet Trade Aggregation Service Reports
Weekly Pilot Federation Member Profits:
254,976,324 credits profit generated from 602,873 units of cargo traded.
:: Market Information::
Ship Sales (by market share)
The significant mandatory ship recall that affected all shipyards this week has thrown the entire market into turmoil.
Faulcon deLacy benefited the most with sales of new Sidewinders commanding a very impressive 89% of the market. Sales of the Cobra Mk III were decimated by the recall, so the launch of their long awaited Viper was accelerated.
Zorgon Peterson saw a remarkable turn of fortunes as their highly paid new marketing team helped the Hauler grab a 7% market share this week.
The Core Dynamics Eagle struggled to keep up in contrast, capturing less than 2% of the market.
Lakon had even less success with their new Type 6 trading ship this week, taking less than 1% of the market. Time will tell how their Type 9 will fare.
Most Profitable Goods
Consumer Technology
Resonating Separators
Most profitable black market goods are:
Battle Weapons
Performance Enhancers

Most Traded Goods
Most bought goods (By cargo units)
Terrain Enrichment Systems
Agricultural Medicines
Most sold goods (by cargo unit)
Battle Weapons
Top 5 Largest Importers, by Quantity of Good Traded
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise
i Bootis: Chango Dock
Asellus Primus: Beagle 2 Landing
Dahan: Dahan Gateway
Azeban: Azaban City

Top Exports per System, Ranked by Quantity
i Bootis: Chango Dock: Fish
Aulin: Aulin Enterprise: Terrain Enrichment Systems, Agricultural, Medicines
Dahan: Dahan Gateway: Tantalum
Azaban City: Coffee

Trade Tips & Hidden Gems
Market Watch
Markets currently trading with good profits:
Wyrd: Vonarburg Co-operative
Chi Herculis: Gorbatko Reserve
Opala: Romanenko Estate
LHS 2887: Massimino Dock
Naraka: Novitski Oasis
:: And finally::
Space Camo
As predicted, the Galaxy has become even more colourful with numerous sightings of Commanders sporting new paint jobs on their ships. The numbers of extreme retro ancient Earth camoflage designs have caused quite a stir – the purely decorative colours have left some veteran members shaking their heads in bemusement at the naivety of expecting ancient camo to be of benefit in space. A vox pop of some of the younger members commanders indicates they are aware of that thank you very much, but they want to ‘express themselves’. This one may run and run…
Meanwhile, the Core Dynamics Eagle Red Streak and Orange Mohawk are also proving popular, and we hear rumours that Faulcon deLacy is preparing new designs for its Viper heavy fighter.
Fish floated back to the top of the traded good charts this week.

Detailed market information feeds are available via an upgraded subscription to GalNet services.
Sports Results, Entertainment News and Celebrity Gossip are available via an upgraded subscription.
This GalNet News Transmission is sponsored in part by the Bank of Zaonce. Trust the Bank of Zaonce with your hard-earned credits.

Elite Pilots Federation Alert Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 In four days time star ports will begin to offer a paint job service for Sidewinder and Eagle ships. Whilst these... Elite Pilots Federation Alert

In four days time star ports will begin to offer a paint job service for Sidewinder and Eagle ships. Whilst these paint jobs don’t affect the performance of the vessels, we expect them to be popular and the galaxy to become a more colourful place.

Black market profits have fallen this week to 33.7M credits, after the prohibition on Progenitor Cells was lifted.

Most Profitable Black Market Goods:
• Liquor
• Personal weapons
• Gold

::Market Information::
Ship Sales (by number)
Faulcon DeLacey’s bestselling Cobra Mk III held its market share this week with 41% of the total.

The Core Dynamics Eagle continued its improvement with a 9% rise to 33% market share.

The woes of Zorgon Peterson, which earlier this week laid off its entire marketing department in a bid to cut costs, continue with the Hauler. Now under threat from Lakon’s Type 9 for 3rd spot, the Hauler market share dropped a further 30% this week to 13.5%.

GalNet Trade Aggregation Service Reports
Weekly Pilot Federation Member Profits:
669,226,041 credits profit generated from 2,511,325 units of cargo traded.

Most Profitable Goods
• Resonant Separators
• Performance Enhancers
• Combat Stabilisers

Most Traded Goods
• Performance Enhancers
• Bertrandite
• Resonant Separators
• Fish

Top Imports per System, Ranked by Quantity
i Boötis: Robotics, Agricultural Medicines
Aulin: Bertrandite, Fish
Eranin: Crop Harvesters, Terrain Enrichment Systems
LP 98-132: Bio Reducing Lichen, Explosives
Dahan: Indite, Bertrandite
LHS 3006: Bio-Reducing Lichen, Explosives
Asellus Primus Tantalum, Tea

Top Exports per System, Ranked by Quantity
Aulin: Performance Enhancers, Combat Stabilisers
i Bootis: Fish, Crop Harvesters
Eranin: Grain, Tea
LP 98-132: Bertrandite, Gold
Dahan: Tantalum, Explosives
Asellus Primus: Resonant Separators, Basic Medicines
LHS 3006: Bertrandite, Indite

Trade Tips & Hidden Gems
Aulin: Tea
LP 98-132: Narcotics
Dahan: Gallite
I bootis: Robotics
LHS 3006: Bio Reducing Lichen
Eranin: Agricultural Medicines

Detailed market information feeds are available via an upgraded subscription to GalNet services.

::GeoPolitical Analysis::
Eranin Tension Continues
Skirmishes between the Eranin Defence Force and the Federation show no sign of abating.

Abnormally high levels of piracy continue to be reported in LP98-132.

::And Finally::
Progenitor Cells
The ban on the trading of Progenitor Cells was lifted after new batches were given the ‘all clear’ everywhere except Eranin. This depressed the black market, but Progenitor Cells have so far failed to regain their previous dominance of the trade markets as lingering public concern suppresses demand.

Conflicting reports on social media include a statement attributed to a ‘Freedom Freda’ – believed to be a self-appointed spokesman for the rebels on Eranin, where she claims Progenitor Cells are used by “blood-sucking capitalist scum, unnaturally extending their lives to keep underpaid hard-working proletarians in their places”.

Progenitor Cell manufacturers are rumoured to be preparing legal action against the beleaguered Federal government in Eranin for lost profits, citing failure to control the Eranian left wing militants (‘terrorists’, as they are described in the draft claim we have seen) widely believed to be behind the initial contamination.

Fishy Goings On?
Market experts are left open-mouthed by this week’s fall in the popularity of fish. Top of the traded goods pile last week, this week fish have sunk to 4th place.

Sports Results, Entertainment News and Celebrity Gossip are available via an upgraded subscription.

This GalNet News Transmission is sponsored in part by the Bank of Zaonce. Trust the Bank of Zaonce with your hard-earned credits.

Elite Pilots Federation Alert Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 Black market profits remain stable at around the 50M credits mark, with a dramatic rise in contribution from Progenitor Cells. Most... Elite Pilots Federation Alert

Black market profits remain stable at around the 50M credits mark, with a dramatic rise in contribution from Progenitor Cells.

Most Profitable Black Market Goods:
Progenitor Cells
Personal weapons

Concern is easing over rogue attacks on Pilot Federation members; automatic bounties remain in force and we ask members to continue both their vigilance and their bounty hunting.

::Market Information::
Ship Sales (by number)
Faulcon DeLacey’s bestselling Cobra Mk III further increases its market share by 7.5% with a 42% total.

The Core Dynamics Eagle has also improved its share this week in second position this week with a 4% rise to 27% market share.

The rise of the Cobra and Eagle has been at the expense of Zorgon Peterson’s Hauler. ZP retained 3rd spot with a continued weakening market share, which dropped a further 20% this week to 17.5%. A concerned-looking spokesperson says ZP is unconcerned and believes the Hauler is ‘the perfect vessel for trading, which is such a fundamental activity within the galactic economy’.

GalNet Trade Aggregation Service Reports
Weekly Pilot Federation Member Profits:
1,137,205,737 credits profit generated from 3,689,693 units of cargo traded.

Most Profitable Goods
Resonant Separators
Performance Enhancers
Terrain Enrichment Systems

Most Traded Goods
Performance Enhancers
Resonant Separators

Top Imports per System, Ranked by Quantity
i Bootis: Performance Enhancers, Robotics
Aulin: Fish, Basic Medicines
Eranin: Crop Harvesters, Combat Stabilisers
LP 98-132: Resonant Separators, Progenitor Cells
Dahan: Indite, Coltan
LHS 3006: Resonant Separators, Explosives
Asellus Primus Combat Stabilisers, Coffee

Top Exports per System, Ranked by Quantity
Aulin: Performance Enhancers, Combat Stabilisers
i Bootis: Fish, Basic Medicines
Aulin: Agricultural Medicines, Combat Stabilisers
Eranin: Tea, Coffee
LP 98-132: Bertrandite,Gold
Dahan: Tantalum, Explosives
Asellus Primus: Resonant Separators, Non Lethal Weapons
LHS 3006: Bertrandite, Indite

Trade Tips & Hidden Gems
Aulin: Tantalum
LP 98-132: Bio Reducing Lichen
Dahan: Advanced Catalysers
I bootis: Auto Fabricators
LHS 3006: Consumer Technology
Eranin: Crop Harvesters

Detailed market information feeds are available via an upgraded subscription to GalNet services.

::GeoPolitical Analysis::
Eranin Tension Continues
Skirmishes between the Eranin Defence Force and the Federation show no sign of abating.

Abnormally high levels of piracy continue to be reported in LP98-132.

::And Finally::
Last weekend’s emergency meeting on Asellus Primus resulted in a product recall and a ban on the trading of Progenitor Cells. Progenitor Cells immediately became a mainstay of the black market economy.

Aulin has recalled a recent batch of Progenitor Cells while it investigates the reported contamination. Governments will convene again this weekend to review the findings of the investigations with a view to lifting the ban and re-starting production.

Leaked documents from the investigation suggest that the batch may have been intentionally contaminated and links are being made to left wing militants from Eranin. This would perhaps explain the splits in Eranin’s government and its rumoured intention to boycott the meeting at the weekend.

It remains to be seen if the investigation’s conclusion will allay the public’s fears over the possible side effects of this product.

Sports Results, Entertainment News and Celebrity Gossip are available via an upgraded subscription.

This GalNet News Transmission is sponsored in part by the Bank of Zaonce. Trust the Bank of Zaonce with your hard-earned credits.

Elite Pilots Federation Alert Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 Black market profits are now running at 49,967,595 credits. Most Profitable Black Market Goods: 1. Liqueurs 2. Personal weapons 3. Stolen... Elite Pilots Federation Alert

Black market profits are now running at 49,967,595 credits.
Most Profitable Black Market Goods:
1. Liqueurs
2. Personal weapons
3. Stolen Gold

Automatic bounties placed on the heads of all rogues attacking Pilot Federation members have yielded a slight reduction in attacks. We ask members to remain vigilant and continue to hunt for bounties.

::Market Information::
Ship Sales (by number)
Faulcon DeLacey’s bestselling Cobra Mk III once again strengthened its hold on top spot with 39% market share.

The Core Dynamics Eagle has soared into second spot this week with a 26% market share, perhaps reflecting the increased combat opportunities for offered to members by current events.

After a strong launch week, Zorgon Peterson’s Hauler has slipped into 3rd place with 22% market share. A ZP spokesperson says it is unconcerned and, now its initial burst of pre-orders has worked though sales channels, it believes strong word-of-mouth from happy pilots will start to deliver ongoing sales growth.

GalNet Trade Aggregation Service Reports
Weekly Pilot Federation Member Profits:
1,346,943,449 credits profit generated from 4,024,628 units of cargo traded.

Most Profitable Goods
1. Progenitor Cells
2. Resonant separators
3. Gold

Most Traded Goods
1. Progenitor Cells
2. Fish
3. Basic Medicines
4. Domestic Appliances

Top Imports per System, Ranked by Quantity
i Bootis: Progenitor Cells, Agricultural Medicines
Aulin: Fish, Bertrandite
Eranin: Progenitor Cells, Crop Harvesters
LP 98-132: Resonant separators, Progenitor Cells
Dahan: Indite, Lepidolite
LHS 3006: Resonant separators, Explosives
Asellus Primus Grain, Tea

Top Exports per System, Ranked by Quantity
Aulin: Progenitor Cells, Performance Enhancers
i Bootis: Fish, Basic Medicines
Aulin: Agricultural Medicines, Combat Stabilisers
Eranin: Tea, Coffee
LP 98-132: Gold, Bertrandite
Dahan: Tantalum, Aluminium
Asellus Primus: Resonant separators, Non Lethal Weapons
LHS 3006: Indite, Lepidolite

Trade Tips & Hidden Gems
Aulin: Terrain Enrichment Systems
LP 98-132: Combat Stabilisers
Dahan: Gallite
I bootis: Robotics
LHS 3006: Non Lethal Weapons
Eranin: Agricultural Medicines

Detailed market information feeds are available via an upgraded subscription to GalNet services.

::GeoPolitical Analysis::
Eranin Tension Continues
Skirmishes between the Eranin Defence Force and the Federation continue this profitable ongoing Combat Bond opportunity for Pilots Federation members.

Abnormally high levels of piracy are continuing to be reported in LP98-132.

::And Finally::
Sensationalist reports that Progenitor Cells cause hair loss, memory loss, and even blackouts have lead local system governments to convene an emergency meeting this weekend on Asellus Primus. Though direct links are unconfirmed, the bureaucrats may decide to halt production and ban the cells while investigations continue. Progenitor Cell producers strenuously deny any association.

Sports Results, Entertainment News and Celebrity Gossip are available via an upgraded subscription.

This GalNet News Transmission is sponsored in part by the Bank of Zaonce. Trust the Bank of Zaonce with your hard-earned credits.

Elite Pilots Federation Alert Elite Pilots Federation Alert
Post Views: 0 Significant numbers of fatal unprovoked attacks on Pilot’s Federation members are being detected. Pilots Federation members are reminded of their obligation... Elite Pilots Federation Alert

Significant numbers of fatal unprovoked attacks on Pilot’s Federation members are being detected.
Pilots Federation members are reminded of their obligation to uphold the values of our organization by seeking out and destroying enemies of the Pilot’s Federation.
Bounties have been placed on the heads of all such rogues.

::Market Information::
Booming ship sales
Faulcon de Lacey’s bestselling Cobra Mk III holds onto its top spot with 35% market share.
Zorgon Peterson has quickly built momentum around its recently released Hauler, which captured a 30% market share in its first week of sales.

Aulin Profitability Declines
GalNet trade aggregation service reports that unusually high levels of commercial activity in Aulin have resulted in the system currently being the lowest average profit per trade. Commanders wishing to undertake a strategic review of their trade routes are recommended to consider i Boötis, which currently offers the largest average profit per trade.

LP98-132 Shows High Activity in Gold
Perhaps reflecting the level of pirate activity noted in our Geo-Political analysis section, Gold is being very heavily traded in LP98-132.

More detailed market information feeds are available via an upgraded subscription to GalNet Market Data.

::GeoPolitical Analysis::
Eranin Tension Continues
Skirmishes between the Eranin Defence Force and the Federation continue.
Many contract bonds for assistance have been placed by both sides, making it a profitable ongoing opportunity for Elite Pilots Federation members.

High levels of piracy are continuing to be reported in LP98-132.

::And Finally::
380 cargo canisters of Fish were detected floating in deep space. Authorities speculate that pirates ejected them to make room for more valuable cargo.

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This GalNet News Transmission is sponsored in part by the Bank of Zaonce. Trust the Bank of Zaonce with your hard-earned credits.