Further FSS Scanner Upgrade Released
federationgalactic Newsprofessor Palinram Tahsciences 11 November 2022 Bot Galnet

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*
A version of the FSS scanning software used to track the Thargoid anomalies has been made available to the Pilots’ Federation.
Commanders should experience reduced interference when using the full spectrum system (FSS) scanner to focus on the anomalies. The team leading the development of the software, however, warned that the resultant clarity has done little to ease the concerns of Professor Palin, Ram Tah and other leading scientists.
Lori Jameson, an engineer contributing to the FSS scanner’s software calibration, commented:
“We’re pleased with the update and are happy to share it with Commanders, who have provided much of the data used by the institutions researching the rogue signal sources. Representatives of Canonn Interstellar Research Group, Orion University and Universal Cartographics have also helped greatly. I just wish the results generated a more promising picture.”
“I understand the calls for peace that we’ve been hearing more of. But judging by the feedback these signals are emitting, they’re… well, I’m trying not to push my opinions on others. I urge Commanders to take a look with the FSS scanner for themselves.”
The update has been delivered to all registered Pilots’ Federation vessels free of charge.