Athena System Hosts ‘XYZ Fight Club’
Post Views: 1 642 Athena System Hosts ‘XYZ Fight Club’ The popular gladiatorial tournament known as the ‘XYZ Fight Club’ took place again this weekend. Our reporters were ringside for the spectacle. Pilots descended on Athena, pitting dog-fighting skills against one another in both light and medium ships. Criminals targeting... Lire la suite
Fuel Rats Complete 1,000th Rescue
Post Views: 1 021 Fuel Rats Complete 1,000th Rescue Heroes: that’s what some call the Fuel Rats. Ever since launching their emergency fuel delivery service a little over two months ago, the Fuel Rats have made an impact on the lives of over 1,000 commanders who would otherwise have faced... Lire la suite
Heike Starport Security under Strain
Post Views: 968 On patrol outside the busy starport of Brunel Station, Heike Security Forces pilot Kenji Nobu reluctantly admits that not all visitors to the station are being subjected to « the full scrutiny of the law ». « There’s just too many of them and too few of us », Nobu... Lire la suite
La célèbre journaliste se suicide
Post Views: 999 La chasse d’Elaine Boyd a pris fin aujourd’hui avec la découverte de son corps dans un petit hôtel à Wyrd. Les services de police locaux ont indiqué avoir reçu un appel anonyme au sujet de son lieu de résidence. Ils ont découvert son corps sans vie... Lire la suite
Report Raises Concerns about Operation Davy Jones
Post Views: 1 635 The Stratis Information Group, an independent think-tank of political, defence, and economics analysts, has published an in-depth study of Operation Davy Jones, the ongoing conflict between the Imperial Navy and the forces of Archon Delaine. Aside from providing statistics regarding the current Imperial deployment, the report... Lire la suite
Federal and Imperial Diplomats Discuss the Pegasi Sector
Post Views: 974 Historically, areas of mutual interest have resulting in cooperation between the Empire and the Federation. Now it seems that the humanitarian crisis in the Pegasi Sector represents one such mutual interest. In a meeting between Federation and Imperial commanders, Commander Nyluss of the Merchant Marines offered... Lire la suite
Emperor’s Killer Not Working Alone?
Post Views: 1 107 While Chancellor Anders Blaine has provided almost daily updates on the investigation of Emperor Hengist Duval’s assassination there has been little progress of note until today. The breakthrough is reported to have originated from an investigation into the killing of Brendan Paul Darius’ family. The local... Lire la suite
Un reporter du Federal Times suspecté de meurtre
Post Views: 782 Suite à la progression de l’enquete sur le meurtre violent de l’agent Susan Monroe, les services de sécurité fédéraux pense qu’Elaine Boyd est la principale «suspecte», et ont lancé un appel aux témoignages au sujet des mouvements de la journaliste. » « C’était un meurtre particulièrement sauvage. Nous... Lire la suite
‘Operation Uranus’ Successful
Post Views: 1 279 This week, Archon Delaine hit back at the renewed Imperial offensive. Using a multi-pronged attack, the Kumo Crew struck hard at systems under the influence of Senator Patreus. Dubbed ‘Operation Uranus’, the campaign successfully pushed the system of Contiku into turmoil. The number of Kumo Crew... Lire la suite
Revendications de participation fédérale
Post Views: 1 105 Avec la longue histoire conflictuelle entre les superpuissances, il n’est pas incongru que certains membres les plus paranoïaques de la population impériale aient dirigé leurs soupçons concernant l’assassinat de l’empereur vers la Fédération. Alors que personne au sein de l’autorité de l’Empire ne prend ces réclamations... Lire la suite