Four Federal Systems Declare Independence Four Federal Systems Declare Independence
Post Views: 928 The Azaladshu Free faction, which controls four systems, has seceded from the Federation in protest against civilian surveillance. The unexpected declaration... Four Federal Systems Declare Independence

The Azaladshu Free faction, which controls four systems, has seceded from the Federation in protest against civilian surveillance.

The unexpected declaration followed the election of new leadership for Azaladshu Free, which currently controls the Azaladshu, LFT 824, LHS 277 and LTT 3919 systems.

Mayor Constanza Noguera announced:

“The Federation has become corrupt, authoritarian and untrustworthy. In particular, the public surveillance laws to spy on innocent people cannot be tolerated. From now on, we will govern our systems as independent sovereign nations.”

Political observers believe that several other Federal factions are also planning to declare independence. All are within Shadow President Felicia Winters’s sphere of influence, although she has publicly renounced any support of these actions.

Congress has stated that secession is illegal under the Federal Accord, and ordered Azaladshu Free to revert to normal membership status. The Federal Navy and other military organisations have been placed on alert.

President Hudson has reacted strongly, stating that “This degree of organised criminal behaviour only proves that the Proactive Detection Bureau is needed to maintain order.”

Shadow President Winters countered by claiming “Removing our citizens’ right to privacy is the cause of this rebellion, not the solution.”