Fleet Admiral Vincent Named as Starship One Saboteur Fleet Admiral Vincent Named as Starship One Saboteur
Post Views: 669 Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent, one of the Federal Navy chiefs of staff, has been arrested on charges related to the destruction... Fleet Admiral Vincent Named as Starship One Saboteur

Fleet Admiral Lucas Vincent, one of the Federal Navy chiefs of staff, has been arrested on charges related to the destruction of Starship One.

The trial of Chief Technician Rory Webster was halted by a plea bargain to reveal who ordered him to sabotage Starship One’s hyperdrive in 3301.

An update on proceedings was delivered by Milandu Okoro of the Federal Attorney’s Office:

“Mr Webster provided evidence that Fleet Admiral Vincent directly commanded him to arrange for Starship One to suffer the same fate as the Highliner Antares. The orders were allegedly provided on a private channel, accompanied by threats discouraging Mr Webster’s refusal.”

“The trial concluded with the judge summarily convicting the defendant of aiding and abetting mass murder. Chief Technician Webster received a lenient sentence of 20 years in prison, in acknowledgement that he performed criminal acts under duress.”

“The FIA has detained Vincent in a high-security facility, and he has been charged with conspiracy to commit murder and treason. However, the case is likely to take several months to come to trial.”

There was no comment from President Zachary Hudson, who is believed to be a personal friend of Vincent. A spokesperson for his administration said: “As always, the President has full confidence in our court system to deliver justice.”