First Captives Freed from Thargoid Titans
The first humans rescued from the Thargoid motherships have started to arrive, almost all of whom have so far survived extraction. The highly dangerous task requires using an upgraded pulse wave xeno scanner to detect human life signs on the Titans. The new sub-surface extraction missiles then target and... Read more
Scientists Study Thargoid Barnacle Matrix Sites
Aegis xenologists are focusing their efforts on the mysterious alien growths reported on multiple planets and moons in the Trianguli sector. These have been designated ‘Thargoid barnacle matrix sites’, due to their resemblance to the barnacles that produce meta-alloys, but are far greater in size and complexity. Commander Yoselin... Read more
Aegis Produces Sub-Surface Extraction Missiles
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* Rescue megaships now stock Aegis’s modified mining tool, designed to extract bio-storage capsules from Thargoid Titans. The sub-surface extraction missiles went into rapid production following a delivery initiative in the Senlu system. Aegis has confirmed that pilots who transported CMM composites, neofabric insulation and osmium to... Read more
Celebrations in Sol for Federal Election
*Pilots’ Federation ALERT* A series of public events to celebrate the forthcoming presidential election are being held in the Sol system. Congress approved a request by President Zachary Hudson to finance a range of festivities, concerts and shows across the home system of the Federation. Billions of people are... Read more
The Future of the Throne
The Imperial Senate has formally raised the issue that Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has not yet produced any direct heirs. The debate was instigated by Senator Lysandra Courcelle : “The continuation of the Duval bloodline has formed the linchpin of our society for over a thousand years. But it has... Read more