Recent reports from Jotunheim indicate that the Autocracy of Jotunheim, an Imperial-aligned organisation, has entered the system with a remit to bring it under Imperial control. Regional authorities have opposed the incursion, and have authorised the Revolutionary Jotunheim Resistance to drive the Autocracy of Jotunheim from the system. The... Read more
The Empire and the Federation have released statements announcing the successful conclusion of their respective campaigns. Both superpowers received huge quantities of construction material over the past week, allowing them to start work on new outposts in the Pleiades region. The Merope Expeditionary Fleet and the Pleiades Resource Enterprise... Read more
The sixth Colonia Council migration appeal has come to an end. Hundreds of organisations took part in the campaign, delivering huge quantities of material to Jaques Station in the hope of earning a place in the Colonia Nebula. The Council is now processing the deliveries to confirm exactly how... Read more