Community Goal: Jeffress’s New Treasure Hunt
alfred JeffressInterstellar Initiative & CG 24 March 2016
Following a long hiatus, reclusive philanthropist Alfred Jeffress has announced a new treasure hunt, and once again he is offering a share of his vast personal fortune to the winner. In a statement, Jeffress confirmed that the event will follow the same format as his previous treasure hunts. A... Read more
Authorities at Wilkes Orbital have announced that the recent appeal for Ceremonial Heike Tea has been a significant success. Personnel at the starport launched the appeal when they discovered that the individuals recently rescued from the Blue Hand Gang were infected with a strain of the Cerberus Plague. The... Read more
Community Goal: Neutralising the Unknown Artefact Threat
cerberus plagueInterstellar Initiative & CGprofessor Palin 24 March 2016
Professor Ishmael Palin has shocked medical personnel at Wilkes Orbital by returning to work only hours after he received the antidote to the Cerberus Plague. According to Palin’s doctor, the professor was eager to talk to Lea Tantaga, the molecular chemist who recently developed a material capable of countering... Read more
Carl Simmons, chief medical officer at Newton Dock in the BD-02 4304 system, spoke at a health summit over the weekend. His keynote address was on the Cerberus plague. “The original Cerberus plague spread to over 30 systems inside a month, putting billions of lives at risk,” said Simmons.... Read more
Galactic News: Jasmina Halsey to be Revived
galactic Newsjasmina Halseyjasmina Halsey’s disappearance 23 March 2016
Medical personnel at Leoniceno Orbital have announced they will soon bring former Federal president Jasmina Halsey out of her induced coma. When the former president arrived at the starport she was still in her damaged escape pod. Since then, medical personnel at the starport have worked tirelessly to heal... Read more
Maxim ‘VicTic’ Kammerer, chief engineer of the Carmack Intergalactic Mining Association, has released a statement concerning the ongoing CIMA prospectors’ competition: “We are very pleased that, with your help, we have been able to double the amount of known pristine metallic ring locations, most of which are very close... Read more
A summit for the Alliance of Independent Systems was held at Irkutsk Station this week, attended by ambassadors and diplomatic envoys from an array of political backgrounds. Eleven fleets, from both Alliance and Independent governments, were represented. The main topic under discussion was establishing a framework for a quick-response... Read more
Last week, Federal President Zachary Hudson announced plans to construct a new Farragut Battle Cruiser in the Federal system of Beta Hydri. The production of the ship was designed to mark the inauguration of a new arm of the Federal Navy known as the People’s Navy. One Federal source... Read more
For decades, the Revolutionary Party of Vennik has been terraforming the planet Vennik 1, slowly transforming it into a habitable world. With the ambitious project about to enter its final stage, the organisation has placed an open order for terrain-enrichment systems with which to prepare the planet’s surface for... Read more
Community Goal: Wilkes Orbital in Need
cerberus plagueInterstellar Initiative & CGprofessor Palinsciences 17 March 2016
The normally peaceful Wilkes Orbital has been the focus of considerable attention in recent weeks. First, the starport was at the centre of a campaign to drive the Blue Hand Gang from the nearby Orulas system. Then authorities at the station announced that the escape pods recovered in the... Read more