Terror in the Pegasi Sector Archon Delaine and his Kumo Crew have continued their seemingly unstoppable rampage across the Pegasi sector this week, with the Crew managing to establish new strongholds in Arawere, Huaich, LTT 16548 and San Muss. Reports coming in from the sector indicate that the Kumo... Read more
The Pilots Federation Supports Fuel Rat Initiative
fuel ratsgalactic Newspilots achievements 24 June 2015
The Pilots Federation Supports Fuel Rat Initiative Each year, thousands of pilots go missing in the black. Some are waylaid by pirates. Others are lost to the dangers of space. However, an estimated 63% of all deep space losses are attributed to pilots who simply run out of fuel... Read more
GalNet Powers Update Incoming
galactic News 24 June 2015
GalNet Powers Update Incoming In the early hours of tomorrow morning GalNet will be releasing the latest statistics and activities of the major powers. If you are active with one of these powers then make sure that any vouchers and cargo have been delivered before this happens. Read more