The Alliance Supports Five a Day in Diso!
On Friday the Green Party of Diso announced their plans to rejuvenate the failing financial fortunes of Birmingham. The news was well received by independent traders from across the galaxy, many of whom immediately made their way to Diso to help ship Machinery for the Green Party of Diso.... Read more
78 Ursae Majoris Reacts to President’s Intended Visit
Following the rather strange announcement that President Halsey will soon be visiting the ex-Federal system of 78 Ursae Majoris, GalNet reached out to local leaders and residents to get their thoughts. “I think it’s excellent that President Halsey is finally showing some interest in what’s happening in the region.... Read more
President Halsey Refuses Shadow President’s Request
The office of President Jasmina Halsey has today issued a statement refusing Shadow President Hudson’s demand to meet him for a live presidential debate on ‘Face the People’. James Speakes, the President’s Press Secretary, had this to say on the matter: “The President is of course happy to debate... Read more
Old World Resurgence in Diso
The newest rejuvenation project to hit the Old Worlds has been announced, and this time it’s the Green Party of Diso who have stepped up to the challenge of making its home a pleasant (and profitable) place to live. As most traders are well aware, Diso is famous for... Read more
Hudson Demands Debate
It looks like the President may not be taking her planned tour after all, following news that Shadow President Hudson has publicly challenged President Halsey to a live policy debate on the popular Federal political stream show ‘Face the People’. So far, the President’s office has declined to offer... Read more
Arcanonn Challenges Halsey
Research into the recently recovered Unknown Artefact has intensified. Scientists, engineers and Commanders are flocking to assist Dr Arcanonn and his team from all across populated space, political allegiances temporarily forgotten in the search for answers. Many theories have been hypothesised, among them that the Artefact is some kind... Read more
Prism Senator Summoned to Achenar
Senator Kahina Tijani Loren’s Imperial Courier was seen departing early morning local time from the Avalon shipyards. It rendezvoused with The Imperial Interdictor Atticus, Admiral Brice last known to be in command. The convoy is believed to be enroute to the Achenar system. According to the Imperial Herald, Senator... Read more
Tour of Frontier Systems Set to Begin Shortly
Despite a rather sceptical response to the President’s planned tour of Federal frontier systems, particularly the bizarre choice to visit 78 Ursae Majoris (a system which overwhelmingly voted to leave the Federation nearly two months ago), the President’s office has announced that the series of visits with local leaders... Read more
Silver United Succeed at Securing Zaonce
After months of being terrorised by malicious criminals intent on turning the Old Worlds into some kind of ‘New Caribbean’, residents of the Lave cluster finally banded together this past weekend to crack down on the lawless scum that had been pillaging and plundering their way across the sector.... Read more
Eyes on Quivira
Turmoil hit the small system of Quivira late last week, as thousands of Imperial pilots descended to deliver the wrath of Senator Denton Patreus on his debtors. In the first two days of the war, tens of thousands of Independent pilots lost their lives while bravely attempting to hold... Read more