Emperor to Marry Sweetheart
florence Lavignygalactic Newsharold Duvalhengist Duvalwedding 22 December 2014 Bot Galnet

A palace spokesman today announced on behalf of his grace Emperor Hengist Duval, that he is to marry Florence Lavigny, a sweetheart from his younger years.
Under Imperial Law a marriage must be announced 30 days beforehand. Commentators have pointed out the Emperor could decree it to happen sooner, though he would have to appear in the Senate to do so.
With his son declared unfit the marriage would make Arissa Lavigny, his illegitimate daughter with Florence, next in line for the throne. Under Imperial Law the marriage cannot happen for 30 days to allow people to lodge their objections.
Arissa Lavigny will become Princess Arissa as soon as they marry, and of the announcement she has said:
“This is one of the happiest days of my life. I will of course change my name to Duval, so the honourable Duval line will continue in both blood and name.”