Council of Admirals Divided Over Unified Fleet
aegisalliancegalactic Newsthargoids 1 November 2022 Bot Galnet

The Alliance Defence Force has been unable to reach a consensus over the proposal to combine the superpowers’ forces against the Thargoids.
Admirals Liam Flanagan , George Varma and Rachel Ziegler all openly support the concept of a unified fleet formed of Allied, Federal and Imperial vessels. However, Admirals Nikolas Glass, Maristela Silva and Tahir West have rejected this in favour of focusing on the strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation.
Fleet Admiral Hayley Sorokin, the highest ranking officer in the Alliance Defence Force, has yet to reveal her own view. When pressed by a journalist from the Old Worlds Gazette, she commented: “A decision of such magnitude is more political than military, and therefore the province of the Assembly.”
There was a more forthright statement from Admiral Ziegler, who previously commanded an Allied anti-xeno taskforce:
“This refusal to accept that we must come together to fight the Thargoids is enormously disappointing. Many of our counterparts in the Federal Navy are keen to increase links between militaries, and I firmly believe that we would soon convince the Empire to join us. We must not indefinitely rule out re-establishing Aegis or a similar anti-xeno initiative.”
In related news, Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran has proposed a bill to the Assembly approving the reformation of Aegis. However, this has not received enough support to be formally debated and would achieve little without similar acts in the Federal Congress or Imperial Senate.