A Clash of Titans
empirefederationhistorywars / conflicts 19 July 2015
A Clash of Titans In this third article in GalNet’s series about the defining moments in human history, famed historian Sima Kalhana discusses the first war between the Federation and what would become the Empire. – Although there had been other small-scale incidents beyond the Solar System, the war... Read more
Adle’s Armada Looks to End Illegal Arms Deal in Hel
empiregalactic Newswars / conflicts 16 July 2015
Adle’s Armada Looks to End Illegal Arms Deal in Hel Adle’s Armada, a Federally aligned militia group, has responded to reports of an illegal arms deal between the criminal organization Cosmic State, headed by Hammer Arms CEO Grimnir Allvadderung and the Empire aligned Emperor’s Grace leader Vaarwen Mako Brennus.... Read more
Origins of the Velites Squadron
empirewars / conflicts 15 July 2015
Origins of the Velites Squadron The ancient proverb, “necessity is the mother of all invention,” remains true, even in 3301. Commander Na’Qan came from humble beginnings as a miner in distant Imperial colonies. Piracy being rife in those systems, he found himself in their sights regularly. Knowing he could... Read more
The Science of a Safer Society Thousands of Pegasi sector civilians were forced to evacuate their homes last week, following a series of brutal raids carried out in the name of Archon Delaine. Some resilient residents have attempted to reach out to the Federation and Empire homeworlds for assistance,... Read more
78 Ursae Majoris Celebrates Security with Shield Sale
jasmina Halseyjasmina Halsey’s disappearancePirateswars / conflicts 31 May 2015
After a series of skirmishes between independent pilots and pirates, as well as the drawn out battle against the Sobek Boys, 78 Ursae Majoris was facing a security threat in the run-up to Federal President Jasmina Halsey’s planned visit. News of the catastrophic accident that is believed to have... Read more
The war-torn region of Quivira has finally settled into an uneasy peace, following an intense period of fighting which saw hundreds of thousands dead and several billion credits worth of damage done to the local economy. Initially the situation looked promising for the People’s Quivira for Equality Party. Independent... Read more
Over the last week, Imperial forces loyal to Senator Patreus continued their assault on Quivira, and due to their efforts, Quivira Electronics Plc was finally able to secure control over Godel Dock early on Monday afternoon. Despite being abandoned by their supposed saviours, the People’s Quivira for Equality Party... Read more
The Sinner, the Saint and the Saviour
aisling Duvalarissa Lavigny-Duvaldenton Patreusindependentwars / conflicts 13 May 2015
Two days ago, Senator Denton Patreus officially declared War on the impoverished system of Quivira. Thousands of vessels loyal to Patreus have been pouring into Quivira ever since, bringing death and destruction to any non-Imperial ships that they find. Fortunately, most of Quivira’s residents had already been successfully evacuated... Read more
For the last week Civil War has ravaged the independent nation of Quivira. Quivira Electronics Plc, acting under orders of Senator Denton Patreus, launched an all out attack on the People’s Quivira for Equality Party, leading to fierce fighting between the two parties in the skies above Godel and... Read more
Turmoil hit the small system of Quivira late last week, as thousands of Imperial pilots descended to deliver the wrath of Senator Denton Patreus on his debtors. In the first two days of the war, tens of thousands of Independent pilots lost their lives while bravely attempting to hold... Read more