Boom Time in LHS 3447
The Future of LHS 3447 party are celebrating an economic boom in their system. They have announced that they will share that good fortune as part of their future development initiatives. “The success of LHS 3447 is in large part due to the numbers of independent pilots who pass... Read more
Emperor in Coma
Senator Anders Blaine, Chancellor to Emperor Hengist Duval has made a statement on the steps of the Imperial Palace- “It is with regret I have to announce that his grace, Emperor Hengist Duval’s sickness has worsened, and he has fallen into a coma. His life is not in danger,... Read more
Onionhead Now Wiped Out
Admiral Vincent, the Federal Admiral of the Fleet, has announced that the Federal Navy has now practically eliminated the narcotic ‘onionhead’ from Panem in Kappa Fornacis. “Our systematic destruction of the crop has now paid off, and I am pleased to say we have destroyed all the crops without... Read more
Pomp and Circumstance of the Royal Wedding
Foreign dignitaries are beginning to gather on Capitol in Achenar, in preparation for the royal wedding. Senators from throughout Imperial space have begun arriving, and many leaders from friendly independent systems too. Red carpets have been laid in local starports, and for the full length of the Imperial Avenue.... Read more
Investigation in to VP Death Inconclusive
Despite the suspicious circumstances that have been widely reported, no further information has come to light. Social media is alleging a high level cover-up, and it seems large amounts of data have disappeared due to system failures. President Halsey is said to be devastated, and gave a brief statement... Read more
Slave Revolt in Ongkuma Crushed
Following a surprise move from the Ongkuma Progressive Party withdrawing their support for the slave rebellion, the last of the rebels have been killed or captured. In a statement Senator Torval declared – “Once again the machinations of Federal agitators have been defeated. They will never learn. They deceived... Read more
Sanna and Dulos Independence Movement News
Sanna and Dulos Independence Movement News In contrasting news reports from the Sanna and Dulos systems, reporters revealed the latest on the independence movements in those systems. The Federal-supporting factions in the Sanna system are comfortably holding their ground and local commentators believe that their efforts to leave the... Read more
Fallout from Sorbago Slave Rebellion
Last night a relaxed-looking Senator Zemina Torval announced what had happened to the leaders of the Sorbago rebellion in a press conference following the return from her holiday cruise- “We managed to fight off the Federal rabble rousers due to excellent support from many independent pilots fighting to support... Read more
Aisling Duval Talks Narcotics
In the popular show “A fireside chat with Serena”, the celebrity royal, Aisling Duval, surprisingly talked through tears about narcotics – “Yes Serena, that’s my early childhood. I hate narcotics and think they should be made illegal. My mother died from them before I was old enough to remember... Read more
Slave Rebellion Breaks out in Ongkuma
Rumours are coming in from multiple sources that rebellion has broken out amongst slaves in Ongkuma. This news has surprised commentators given the speed with which the Sorbago rebellion was crushed last year. Some commentators speculate that the rebel leaders are relying on intervention from independent pilots, although many... Read more