Where’s Walden Now?
Actualité GalactiqueSciences 10 août 2015
Today marks 36 years since the last ‘Walden Day’, the annual celebration of the great leader across all four continents of Lave, where prefects, primes and factors would try to outdo each other with how much love they could show the planet’s ruler. Lave in 3301 does its best... Lire la suite
Social historians sometimes have a tendency to focus on the rich and powerful, forgetting that the people who dwell on society’s margins can also have an impact on the shape of the galaxy. In this new series, we take a look at some of recent history’s less well-known figures,... Lire la suite
Millions of senators, patrons, clients, citizens and slaves from across the Empire are making the journey to the Hall of Martyrs on Capitol in the Achenar system to pay their respects to the late Emperor. The queue to view the Emperor’s body already stretches several miles from the Imperial... Lire la suite
Last month, Gutamaya Shipyards temporarily lifted the rank-related restrictions on the Imperial Clipper and Imperial Courier, thereby allowing any independent pilot with an active rank in the Imperial Navy to purchase and fly one of the vessels. Following news of the Emperor’s assassination, however, Gutamaya Shipyards has decided to... Lire la suite
According to officials at Hart Station, medical supply ships transporting the Cerberus Plague antidote from the starport are being targeted by pirates. Naturally, these attacks are substantially undermining attempts to eliminate the disease, which continues to affect a number of systems. One official said: “It’s just despicable. I wouldn’t... Lire la suite
Cinq tués dans un accident de navette
Actualité GalactiqueDisparition de l’AntaresSirius Corporation 4 août 2015
Une navette de Sirius Corporation a été détruite ce matin en s’amarrant à la station Patterson Enterprise dans le système Sirius. L’ordinateur d’appontage serait en cause. Bien que ces échecs ne sont pas inconnus, ils sont rares, surtout sur les petits vaisseaux. Elaine Boyd du Federal Times a demandé... Lire la suite
Remembering the Antares Incident
Actualité GalactiqueDisparition de l’AntaresHistoire de l'Humanité 2 août 2015
Continuing GalNet’s exclusive series highlighting key events in human history, historian Sima Kalhana remembers the Antares Incident. In last week’s article about the Sirius Corporation, I described the Antares iIncident as one of the corporation’s greatest failures. Until the recent disappearance of Starship One, this was considered the most... Lire la suite
The Sim-Archive of Antal Opens to Visitors
Actualité GalactiqueHistoire de l'Humanitépranav Antal 1 août 2015
For the first time in the history of Utopia, the famed Sim-Archive, located in Antal, is being opened to outside visitors. The archive is a vast collection of memories stored as sims, allowing others to relive the experiences of Utopian pilgrims in the form of vivid virtual reality experiences.... Lire la suite
Meet the Powers – Denton Patreus
Actualité GalactiqueDenton PatreusHengist DuvalHistoire de l'Humanité 31 juillet 2015
Senator Denton Patreus is the latest subject in this sixth article from political commentator Marcus Macmillan about the movers and shakers in 3301. Senator Patreus is often seen as the muscular aspect of the Imperial Senate. He is one of the more powerful senators (although lagging behind the heavyweights... Lire la suite
Ex-Governor Joel Xander Charged with Venality and Abuse of Office
Actualité GalactiqueFédération 31 juillet 2015
Federal prosecutor Kerstin Marling has brought charges against the former Governor of BD-22 3572, Joel Xander, in the Federal court in Rhea. Marling stated that she has evidence that Xander had been receiving financial support from local leaders King Justice II and Supreme Leader Anxo Lino of BD-22 3573... Lire la suite