*Pilots Federation ALERT*
The battle between Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar and EG Union has concluded successfully for Yuri Grom’s forces.
Freelance war correspondent Karleen Troy reported via Vox Galactica:
“For the past week, the Delta Pavonis system has been aflame with ship-to-ship engagements. But despite a fierce effort from Federal auxiliaries, EG Union was able to muster superior numbers.”
“Eventually the Federal flagship, Freedom’s Foundation, was boarded. I picked up comms chatter that described intense fighting before EG Union soldiers overran Federal troops. Since then I’ve learned that Yuri Grom has agreed to let the surviving crewmembers leave, but is claiming the megaship as ‘spoils of war’.”
The following message was sent by Yuri Grom on public channels:
“President Hudson has revealed his true nature as the corrupt heart of the Federation’s rotting carcass. This treachery will not be forgotten.”
Pilots who supported Yuri Grom can collect their rewards from the Indomitable megaship. Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar confirmed that although the Freedom’s Foundation is now under EG Union control, reimbursement for all Commanders who fought for Delta Pavonis Galactic Interstellar will be processed remotely by the 9th of October 3307.