Week in Review Week in Review
Post Views: 1,007 Here are this week’s main stories. The search for Barnabas Cole, leader of the Children of Tothos, has resulted in further... Week in Review

Here are this week’s main stories.

The search for Barnabas Cole, leader of the Children of Tothos, has resulted in further arrests. Cole’s alleged possession of the stolen Lucifer Device remains a serious concern to the Federal Intelligence Agency.

Talitha Ambrose, former heiress to the Ambrose Foundation fortune, has confessed to having a gambling addiction. She confirmed that her family’s estate had been lost during a Jokers’ Deck event, and pledged her future work to fundraising for addiction charities.

An initiative on behalf of Macrosphere has concluded successfully, with enough materials provided by the galactic community to begin manufacture of a new robot-screening device.

Finally, organisers of the Distant Worlds II expedition have requested materials for two deep-space construction projects. The exploration fleet aims to build a megaship and installation in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system.

And those are the main stories this week.