Terrorist Attack at Hadrian Duval’s HQ
ACTempiregalactic Newshadrian duvalNMLAnova imperium 14 October 2021 Bot Galnet

*Pilots Federation ALERT*
Explosions have struck Dyson City starport in the Paresa system, home of Hadrian Duval’s organisation Nova Imperium.
The starport suffered severe structural damage plus the corrosive effects of caustic enzymes, characteristic of the customised weapons used by the NMLA. Initial reports state that over fifteen thousand people have been killed and a similar number injured.
The following statement was issued by Praetor Leo Magnus, the former head of security for Nova Imperium who was seconded to ACT:
“Shortly before this attack, my team intercepted a communication between suspected Neo-Marlinist supporters. This referred to an imminent attempt to kill Imperator Hadrian Duval, Lady Astrid Minerva-Duval and their unborn child.”
“I immediately ordered the Praetorian Guard to move the Imperator’s family off-station, which was achieved minutes before the bombs detonated. I am pleased to report that they survived this brutal attack, but unfortunately the remaining population could not have been evacuated in time.”
A state of emergency has been declared in the Paresa system, with an urgent request for independent pilots to assist with rescuing survivors from Dyson City starport.
The Empire confirmed that as per the Treaty of Paresa, it will provide military and medical support to Nova Imperium. ACT is performing investigations to learn more about the attack.