Salvation Warns of Thargoid Strike
ACTaegisazimuthEagle Eyethargoids 14 September 2021 Bot Galnet

The anonymous figure known as Salvation claims that Thargoid forces will shortly launch an assault in the Cornsar system.
The following message was received by all major newsfeeds:
“This is Salvation. Authorities in the Cornsar system must evacuate the local population immediately. I believe a Thargoid invasion of the system is imminent.”
“I became aware of this danger while developing a new interstellar xeno-detection network, which will be far superior to Eagle Eye. Although the network is not fully complete, we cannot dismiss this report as a false reading. Cornsar must act now.”
Carter Armstrong, a chief administrator with Aegis, delivered an official statement:
“Aegis cannot validate this claim. There is no indication of a Thargoid presence in the vicinity, and Cornsar is too far from their known territories to be a viable target. As most of our operations are suspended due to the public inquiry, we cannot dedicate any resources to investigate further.”
There was also a response from Marshal Noah Sharrow, who governs the Cornsar system on behalf of the Allied Cornsar Constitution Party:
“We have no interest in the games of one-upmanship between Aegis and Salvation. Nor do we believe for a moment that the Thargoids would go out of their way to harass us.”