Reorte Year’s End Festivities Conclude Reorte Year’s End Festivities Conclude
Post Views: 2,063 End-of-year celebrations have concluded in the Reorte system, with organisers declaring the week a grand success. Deliveries by independent pilots ensured... Reorte Year’s End Festivities Conclude

End-of-year celebrations have concluded in the Reorte system, with organisers declaring the week a grand success.

Deliveries by independent pilots ensured that the needs of the billion-plus attendees were met. Meanwhile, agitators in the system were prevented from intercepting convoys or causing trouble.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon offered this statement:

“I’d like to express my gratitude and appreciation to everybody involved in the festivities, from interstellar traders to revellers on the streets. Now, as goods are packed away and sensory experience hubs are dismantled all across Home, the clean-up efforts begin. It has been a real honour to witness so many come together in Reorte.”

“On behalf of the Alliance Assembly, I wish everybody a most prosperous New Year.”

Pilots who took part in either campaign can now obtain their rewards from Davies High in the Reorte system.