Pirate History of Taja Gavaris Unveiled
galactic NewsPiratesscienceszachary rackham 29 March 2019 Bot Galnet

Taja Gavaris, the new CFO of Rackham Capital Investments, has been accused of having a criminal background as a pirate leader.
Journalist Bryanna Blanco made this declaration in The Federal Times:
“During my reporting on multi-billionaire Zachary Rackham, I have become convinced that he and many others employed by Rackham Capital Investments were once pirates, who laundered their stolen money and moved into legitimate business.”
“New research has proved that Taja Gavaris was once a criminal rival of Rackham. I believe that Gavaris used her knowledge of Rackham’s past to blackmail her way into his organisation, and is now challenging for ownership by eliminating his loyal supporters.”
“The Federal Times has published many similar revelations about ‘Calico Zack’ over the years, yet no criminal investigation has been established. Perhaps this time the authorities will investigate before Gavaris’s vendetta escalates further, potentially endangering civilian lives.”