More Malfunction Reports More Malfunction Reports
Post Views: 1,111 Over the past month, starports in the Warkushanui, 49 Arietis, 64 Arietis and Varati systems have experienced a raft of mysterious... More Malfunction Reports

Over the past month, starports in the Warkushanui, 49 Arietis, 64 Arietis and Varati systems have experienced a raft of mysterious technical issues and malfunctions. Gurragchaa Gateway in Warkushanui has been the worst affected, and at the time of writing the station remains in a state of partial closure.

As the problems persist, reports of similar – and equally mysterious – issues have arrived from Hinz Hub in the Ngobe system, Tsunenaga Dock in the Iapodes system, and Li Qing Jao in Sol. Precise details are not available, but the problems are understood to be similar to those plaguing Warkushanui, 49 Arietis, 64 Arietis and Varati.

All starports in the affected systems are believed to be fully operational, but if the issues are not addressed soon, closures may be inevitable.