Galactic News: Mysterious Wreckage Discovered
alien crash sitesaliens mysteriespilots achievementspleiadesprofessor Palinsciences 31 August 2016 Bot Galnet

A pair of independent pilots by the names of Noctrach and Ihazevich has discovered the remains of what appears to be a starship on planet 9a of the Pleiades Sector AB-W B2-4 system. The discovery represents the culmination of a galaxy-wide hunt coordinated by the ‘Granger Gang’ – a band of miscreants led by the smuggler and bounty hunter Otto Granger.
The event began with a cryptic message delivered by Granger to news feeds throughout the galaxy. This was followed by a series of enigmatic clues, inserted into news channels at a number of starports.
Solving these clues led pilots to the three members of the Granger Gang: Otto Granger, Mahina Dillon and Logan Khol. When confronted, Granger and his companions claimed to have made a discovery of profound importance, but they refused to reveal the nature or location of this discovery.
Instead, each member of the gang said they would issue a request for a specific commodity, promising to reveal further information if they received what they asked for. Logan Khol’s subsequent request for narcotics was enthusiastically received by the galactic community, and when his targets were met, a further clue was released:
“The latitude was -26 and it was a cold moon in the Pleiades sector with the letters ‘AB’ in its name.”
Although the Granger Gang planned to release further clues, they were quickly rendered redundant. Within hours of Khol releasing his information to the public, Commanders Noctrach and Ihazevich discovered the mysterious wreckage.
Commentators throughout the galaxy have been quick to offer their opinions on this remarkable discovery.
“I’m familiar with every starship design of the past fifty years, and most of the older ones, too,” said Augustus Sym, an Imperial veteran and former test pilot based in the Achenar system, “and I’ve never seen anything like it. There’s no doubt in my mind – that is an alien ship.”
Others have adopted a more cautious stance, while acknowledging that the find could be significant. Professor Ishmael Palin, a leading authority on xeno-biological research, said:
“I have always been open to the possibility of intelligent non-human life, and this wreck may indeed be an alien vessel. But I will withhold judgement until further evidence is released, or at least until I have an opportunity to inspect the site myself!”