Post Views: 1,658 Fuel Rat Deep Space Relay Rescue The Fuel Rats received a distress call from Cmdr Neospike as he returned from Sagittarius...

Fuel Rat Deep Space Relay Rescue
The Fuel Rats received a distress call from Cmdr Neospike as he returned from Sagittarius A* when a broken fuel scoop left him stranded over 3,600 light years from civilization. The Reboot/Repair sequence failed to fix the fuel scoop.

Several commanders responded to the distress call, including Domaq, Paul_Kavinsky, Rusticolus, Cpt_Shinobi, Surly_badger, and Anuranium.

Cmdr. Domaq quickly arrived on scene and provided an initial refuelling to ensure the ship could remain powered while the other ships moved into position.

A relay operation involving several ships and roughly 540 limpet drones then proceeded. Speed was a priority due to the damage Cmdr. Neospike’s ship had undergone leaving all of his systems at less than 5%.

As of this reporting the Fuel Rat initiative has rescued over 190 stranded pilots.