Post Views: 536 Yesterday’s peace talks between the Eranin government and Federation-leaning rebels collapsed into chaos yesterday. An ambassador of the Independent Alliance was due to attend in support of Eranin but did not arrive – furious Eranin government officials accused the Federation of interference. It seems Ambassador Eliza... Lire la suite
Commander Activity as Unrest Spreads
FédérationGuerres / Conflits 25 septembre 2014
Post Views: 523 In response to the Eranin government’s call yesterday for a wider spread of its now-infamous celebration liquor, there has been much activity involving large amounts of liquor in several systems. Over 30 Commanders have taken liquor to Opala’s Romanenko Estate. In LHS 3262, CMDR Waugh and... Lire la suite
Post Views: 530 As Eranin 30th Anniversary celebratory liquor is spread far and wide, the Federation Black Ops teams are moving to more overt than covert operations in support of the rebels, removing all doubt that the rebels are a Federation proxy. Consequently, the gloves are now well and... Lire la suite
Eranin vs Federation – Commander Reactions
Actualité Galactique 24 septembre 2014
Post Views: 542 There are still commanders such as CMDR Pheyes who are ambivalent about their allegiance and appear to be indiscriminate in their targeting. Many more, however, appear to be aligning themselves strongly with one camp or the other. CMDR zenoic neatly summed up Eranin supporters’ feelings. « Freedom,... Lire la suite
Eranin vs Federation – Commander Reactions
FédérationGuerres / Conflits 24 septembre 2014
Post Views: 546 Perhaps rather than conflict, Imperial Senator Denton Patreus’ characterization of the situation around Eranin yesterday as ‘civil war’ is growing more accurate by the day… Commanders continue to fly in support of both sides of the conflict, although with a slight majority on the Federal side... Lire la suite
Faulcon deLacy Cobra price – Latest
Actualité GalactiqueDenton Patreus 23 septembre 2014
Post Views: 513 We are working our data sources hard in order to bring you behind the scenes information on that spectacular Faulcon deLacy price deal which is throwing fuel on the fire of the Eranin / Federation tensions by militarizing both sides. Who stands to gain from the... Lire la suite
Eranin vs Federation skirmishes intensify
Actualité GalactiqueFédération 23 septembre 2014
Post Views: 517 Commanders are getting heavily involved in the growing conflict between Eranin and the Federation over Eranin’s 30th Anniversary of Independence. Almost as many missions were flown in support of each side in the past 24 hours as in the whole of the weekend since Eranin’s 30th... Lire la suite
Faulcon Delacy divise le prix du “Cobra” par 2
Actualité Galactique 22 septembre 2014
Post Views: 1 540 Le “gros coup” préparé par la “Faulcon Delacy” semble se profiler comme une spéctaculaire annonce. De façon surprenante, le prix de son “Cobra Mk III” à été coupé en deux pour un total de 86’052 Crédits. la “FdL” offre aussi 100% de la valeur d’achat initiale... Lire la suite
La “Liqueur de la Célébration” Illégale dans la Fédération
Actualité GalactiqueFédération 22 septembre 2014
Post Views: 1 005 Les tensions entre la Fédération et Eranin autour du trentième anniversaire de l’indépendance semble arriver à son paroxysm. Vendredi, durant les célébrations, la Fédération à déclaré la nouvelle liqueur d’Eranin illégale, incluant également les systèmes indépendant communiste dans la liste des systèmes touchés par cette interdiction.... Lire la suite
Ship sales service report
Actualité Galactique 19 septembre 2014
Post Views: 476 After last week’s stunning news of a free Eagle for all, Core Dynamics falls back to a more usual 13.6% market share. Faulcon deLacy remains top of the pile and tightens its grip on the market even further with a 1.6% overall market share rise to... Lire la suite