Un garde du corps du président trouvé assassiné
Post Views: 815 Les services de sécurité fédéraux ont révélé aujourd’hui qu’un garde du corps présidentielle a été trouvé mort dans sa maison. «L’agent Susan Monroe a été tuée aux premières heures de ce matin et il est prouvé que sa résidence avait été fouillée. À ce moment nous... Lire la suite
Contrôle au siège de l’association des Esclaves Impériaux
Post Views: 1 715 Un comité spécial du Sénat impérial a récemment effectué un contrôle surprise au siège de l’Association des Esclaves Impériaux (AEI). Les archives ont été saisies, et les méthodes employées par l’AEI ont fait l’objet d’examens méticuleux; le comité souhaitait s’assurer du respect des lois en vigueur... Lire la suite
Gun Battle Ends Darius Family Murder Investigation
Post Views: 1 210 The hunt for the killers of the Darius family came to a dramatic conclusion today in a firefight with local security forces on Eotienses. The Darius family was brutally murdered four days ago in what is believed to be revenge for Brendan Paul Darius’s assassination of... Lire la suite
Democracy Threatened in Old Worlds
Post Views: 939 Allegations have surfaced from sources close to the office of Prime Minister Edmund Mahon that unnamed elements within the Pilots Federation are deliberately undermining democratic factions in the Old Worlds. These groups are allegedly scheming to push corporate governments into power to strengthen trade agreements with... Lire la suite
Children of Liberty Offer Prescription for Empire’s Future
Post Views: 1 496 The group known as ‘Children of Liberty’ released another public statement today, this time addressing what it sees as the « crossroads » the Empire finds itself at in the wake of Emperor Hengist Duval’s assassination. « Everyone can see that the Empire is at a crossroads, but it... Lire la suite
Commodities needed in the Kamcha, Dinkas and Jang Di Systems
Post Views: 1 001 A mysterious organisation called Emperor’s Dawn has issued open contracts for a diverse selection of commodities : Ceremonial Heike Tea, Battle Weapons, and Toxic Waste. Each of these is to be delivered to a specific starport, as outlined below : Battle Weapons should be taken to... Lire la suite
Federation Continues Debate on War
Post Views: 1 167 Dissent is growing within Federation congress over the situation in the Pegasi sector. Though many view the Pegasi Pirate War as a chance to let the Empire waste their resources, a growing contingent is becoming frustrated with the Federation’s lack of response. « Tolerating such rampant lawlessness... Lire la suite
Post Views: 1 649 In this series, we look at some of history’s less well-known figures, and examine the part they have played in shaping the galaxy. This week, we revisit a group of individuals whose exploits were covered by a number of media outlets last year. Commander Angel Rose... Lire la suite
Florence Lavigny Calls for Calm
Post Views: 1 566 In her first public appearance since the death of her fiancé Emperor Hengist Duval on their wedding day, Florence Lavigny made a short statement in the Imperial Palace press hall and answered a few questions. Her comments come amongst rising tensions on Capitol. “We must remember... Lire la suite
Imperial Citizenry Pays Tribute to Late Emperor
Post Views: 975 Far from the Hall of Martyrs, Imperial citizens across the Empire have been paying tribute to the late Emperor. Many local system authorities have renamed landmarks and buildings in his honour, and a few have commissioned architects and artists to create new memorials in local capitals.... Lire la suite