Engineer Linked to Terrorist Weapons Engineer Linked to Terrorist Weapons
Post Views: 580 *Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders* Conflict between Keltim Empire League and Eurybia Blue Mafia in the Eurybia... Engineer Linked to Terrorist Weapons

*Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders*

Conflict between Keltim Empire League and Eurybia Blue Mafia in the Eurybia system.

Explosive devices used in recent terrorist attacks on four Imperial starports have been linked to Liz Ryder, an engineer based in the Eurybia system.

The Imperial Internal Security Service published this report:

“Analysis of station traffic revealed that the explosives were delivered on cargo transports linked to the Eurybia Blue Mafia, a notorious anarchist organisation that we have reason to believe is secretly supplying the NMLA.”

“The Eurybia Blue Mafia is protecting demolitions expert Liz Ryder, who we strongly suspect designed the specialist weapons and AK47 rifles used in the starport bombings. As they have refused to cooperate, a state of war has been declared until she is surrendered to our custody.”

“Our affiliate faction, the Keltim Empire League, has requested the support of independent pilots against any resisting anarchist forces.”

Ana Westergard, a spokesperson for the Eurybia Blue Mafia, broadcast this emergency message:

“This is an outrageous invasion by the Empire! We categorically deny any involvement with the NMLA. I urgently call upon our supporters – and anyone who cares about freedom – to help us defend Liz Ryder as well as our independence.”

Engineering services are still available at the Demolition Unlimited workshop, with Liz Ryder communicating remotely from a place of safety.