Sagittarius Eye Appeal Concludes
A request for construction materials made by Sagittarius Eye has ended. The appeal has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community, resulting in an influx of deliveries to McMullen Ring, the organisation’s base of operations. As a result, a new asteroid base named The Print Works has been established... Read more
President Kincaid Impeached
President Gibson Kincaid has been removed from office after a majority vote in the Alliance Assembly, following charges of treason, murder and corruption. The date of his trial is expected to be confirmed soon. Alliance Interpol confirmed that Kincaid was detained while attempting to flee his personal estate on... Read more
Week in Review
Here are this week’s main stories. Admiral Frederick Yamamoto has revealed details of a conspiracy organised by President Gibson Kincaid to assume total control of the Alliance. As part of a plea bargain with prosecutors, Yamamoto confessed to a number of crimes committed on Kincaid’s orders, including murder. The... Read more
Mass Purchase of Imperial Slaves
Tilbery Construction, a company based in the Eotienses system, has attracted attention following the purchase of four thousand Imperial slaves. Garrett Kline, the company’s CEO, explained: “Tilbery Construction recently won a contract to build a new water treatment facility on Eotienses A 3, serving the city of Port Isabelle.... Read more
President Kincaid’s Conspiracy Exposed
The Alliance Tribune has revealed that Admiral Frederick Yamamoto has committed multiple crimes at the behest of Alliance president Gibson Kincaid. In a detailed report, journalist Vanya Driscoll said: “As part of a plea bargain to avoid life imprisonment, Yamamoto has provided Alliance Interpol with data regarding actions carried... Read more
Sagittarius Eye Appeal
Sagittarius Eye has announced plans to construct an asteroid station in the Millese system. A spokesperson for the faction provided the following statement: “We’ve found a lovely asteroid in Millese that we can hollow out to build our print works in. We don’t have a great deal of experience... Read more
Week in Review
Here are this week’s main stories. Zende Partners has declared victory in the Synuefe EN-H d11-96 system following clashes with Segnen Exchange. CEO Freya Taine confirmed that her company would continue to operate the recently established megaship service and the system’s two outposts. A new Advanced Multi-cannon has also... Read more
Admiral Yamamoto Arrested for Murder
Admiral Frederick Yamamoto, head of the Alliance fleet in Zaonce, has been charged with the assassination of former presidential candidate Fazia Silva. The shocking statement was delivered by Tashmira Silva, who became CEO of Silva Holdings Inc after her sister’s death: “When the inquiry into Fazia’s murder closed, I... Read more