An Heir to the Imperial Throne?
Imperial senators supporting the isolationist group Nova Imperium have demanded that Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval acknowledge its figurehead, Hadrian Augustus Duval. Senator Eloise Winterstone proclaimed to the Senate: “The Imperial family must officially recognise Hadrian Duval as one of its own. Given that the Emperor has no children, such an... Read more
Herculean Machines Initiative
The Federal Navy has requested a large shipment of Duradrive personal computers from manufacturer Herculean Machines. Maddox Hurd, the company’s CEO, made this announcement: “It’s a testament to the Duradrive’s reliability that the Federal Navy wants to make it standard issue, and we are proud to supply them.” “Fulfilling... Read more
Festive Imperial Campaigns End
Initiatives to supply Imperial senator Simone Leatrix’s festivities have reached a conclusion. Mass deliveries of food and jewels took place in the Cemiess system. As the campaigns drew to a close, Senator Leatrix made this statement: “My gratitude goes to those who helped make this celebration possible. I hope... Read more