Community Goal: Alliance Outpost in the California Nebula
allianceInterstellar Initiative & CGsciences 13 October 2016
Last week, the Alliance deployed a flotilla to the California Sector BA-A E6 system in the California Nebula. The act proved controversial, prompting accusations that the Alliance was attempting to lay claim to the organic structures on California Sector BA-A E6 4 of the California Sector BA-A E6 system.... Read more
Galactic News: Colonia Appeal Concludes
Coloniagalactic News 13 October 2016
It has been four weeks since the Latugara PLC announced plans to establish a series of outposts between the burgeoning Colonia Nebula community and the core of human-inhabited space. Since then, the galactic community has delivered huge quantities of materials to Love Orbital for use in the construction. A... Read more
Community Goal: The Gathering
Interstellar Initiative & CG 13 October 2016
Each year, the Annual Galactic Games Organisation holds an elaborate gaming tournament known as the Gathering, enticing the rich and famous to a chosen system for a week-long party. This year’s event will take place at the Norman – Mavis’s Bingo Palace starport in the Aramzahd system, chosen for... Read more
Galactic News: Anti-Piracy Campaign Concludes
galactic NewsPirates 13 October 2016
Authorities in Slink’s Eye have announced that the operation to clear the system of pirates has received the enthusiastic support of the galactic community. Hundreds of pilots contributed to the operation, taking to their ships to eliminate the agitators operating in the system, and providing local security forces with... Read more