Coalsack Nebula Terraforming Project Stalls Coalsack Nebula Terraforming Project Stalls
Post Views: 585 Sirius Atmospherics has delivered an update on its experiments to terraform ammonia worlds in the Coalsack Nebula. The subsidiary of Sirius... Coalsack Nebula Terraforming Project Stalls

Sirius Atmospherics has delivered an update on its experiments to terraform ammonia worlds in the Coalsack Nebula.

The subsidiary of Sirius Corporation is working closely with the Alliance to exploit the nebula’s resources and pursue scientific investigation, including terraforming terrestrial planets with ammonia-based atmospheres.

Project director Dr Maximilian North gave this progress report:

“Preliminary efforts at ecosphere conversion have delivered promising results, but our new techniques are not as effective as the simulations based on exploration data suggested. We are still a long way from fully transforming these worlds into habitable environments.”

Independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse commented on this via the Rewired network:

“Does anyone really believe Sirius is there for the terraforming? Of course they can’t magically turn ammonia hellholes into paradise planets overnight! I know a cover story when I smell one. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re deliberately trying to provoke the Thargoids for some reason, maybe to capture some specimens. Where there’s xenos, there’s credits.”

The Alliance has corroborated Dr North’s report, but also confirmed an increase in Sirius Corporation personnel and equipment arriving in the Coalsack Nebula.