The Sirius Corporation is pleased to announce that the reconnaissance portion of its latest colonisation project has now drawn to a close. Hundreds of highly skilled scout ships took part in the survey, which managed to gather data on tens of thousands of potential candidate systems. Early indications suggest... Read more
GalNet Galactic Trade-Labour Report
galactic Newssirius corporation 28 February 2015
An influx of semi-professional miners from Sol has caused a significant increase in the demand for Mineral Extractors in LAWD 26. In order to meet that demand, the Union of Toofla Progressive Party is currently offering excellent rates for all Mineral Extractors sold to Stone’s Legacy. As if that... Read more
Lambda Andromedae: Bringing Data Home
Interstellar Initiative & CGsirius corporation 23 February 2015
Inspired by Universal Cartographics recent push to expand humanities borders, the Sirius Corporation has today announced its plan to launch a number of new colonial outposts to the very edges of occupied space. Ana Quin, Sirius’ Junior Vice President of Interstellar Logistics, had this to say about the announcement:... Read more