In September, Gutamaya Shipyards released a new version of the enduringly popular Eagle. This month, the company has announced the launch of a new fighter designed specifically for the CQC Championship – the Imperial Fighter. Gutamaya has said that the small, manoeuvrable vessel will be ideally suited to close-quarters...
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Imperial Internal Security Service Requests Exploration Data In an unprecedented move, the Imperial Internal Security Service – the organisation responsible for domestic security throughout the Empire – has issued an open contract for exploration data. Agent Cope of the IISS made the following statement: “The Imperial Internal Security Service...
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Civil Aid Crisis as Millions of Mourners Fill Capitol The civic authorities on Capitol have reported needing to use strategic reserves of food, medical supplies and shelters as millions of mourners now fill the streets, waiting for their chance to see Emperor Hengist Duval’s body before the funeral next...
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Claims of Federal Involvement With the long history of conflict between the superpowers, it is not unexpected that some of the more paranoid members of the Imperial population have directed their suspicions concerning the Emperor’s assassination at the Federation. While no-one in authority within the Empire takes these claims...
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Imperial Slave Association Audited A surprise audit of the Imperial Slave Association was recently conducted by a special committee of the Imperial senate. The records and practices of the ISA were meticulously examined to ensure compliance with laws governing the treatment and transportation of Imperial slaves. The committee found...
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Children of Liberty Offer Prescription for Empire’s Future The group known as ‘Children of Liberty’ released another public statement today, this time addressing what it sees as the “crossroads” the Empire finds itself at in the wake of Emperor Hengist Duval’s assassination. “Everyone can see that the Empire is...
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Federation Continues Debate on War Dissent is growing within Federation congress over the situation in the Pegasi sector. Though many view the Pegasi Pirate War as a chance to let the Empire waste their resources, a growing contingent is becoming frustrated with the Federation’s lack of response. “Tolerating such...
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Pirate POWs Pack Prisons The Pegasi Pirate War stemming from the United Imperial Offensive has taxed the logistical prowess of the Empire. Supplies, ships, and personnel must be transported up to hundreds of light years from their source to the Pegasi Sector. Provisioning the Imperial fleet over such distances...
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Aisling Duval Reviews her Security The personal security for Princess Aisling Duval is under review as yet another private conversation has been leaked to the press. Considering the content of the leaked recording some commentators have suggested that the princess would be better served by being more circumspect in...
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Imperial Inquisition and Emperor’s Grace to Hold Meeting Mavia Kain, the High Inquisitor and leader of the Imperial Inquisition, is scheduled to pay a visit to Admiral Varrwen Mako Brennus, leader of Emperor`s Grace. The meeting will be held in the Emperor’s Grace stronghold of Rishair at Lindblad Port....
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