Prince Harold Duval Assassinated
Prince Harold Duval is dead after a targeted assassination attempt by the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army. The Empire has imposed a media blackout on these events, and no official statement has been made. However, independent journalist Gwendolyn Nash published this on-the-scene report for Vox Galactica: “From interviewing multiple sources, we... Read more
Terror Attacks Used Thargoid-Derived Explosives
The Imperial Internal Security Service has transmitted another urgent bulletin regarding terrorist attacks on starports in the Empire. “There have been indications that the four starports came under attack by Thargoids. We can confirm that this is not the case, and there is no evidence of Thargoid vessels in... Read more
Terrorist Attacks on Imperial Starports
*Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders* The Empire has broadcast this message across its emergency channels: “There have been multiple explosions within Mackenzie Relay station, in Princess Aisling Duval’s home system of Cemiess. NMLA terrorists have claimed responsibility.” “In coordinated attacks they have also struck at... Read more
Superpowers Compete over Golconda’s Future
The Empire and the Federation have announced rival initiatives to provide a new home for the crew of the generation ship Golconda. During the aid appeal by Upaniklis Vision Incorporated, engineering experts confirmed that the ancient vessel can no longer meet the colony’s needs. While the Golconda was designed... Read more
Golconda Attracts Superpower Interest
The discovery of an inhabited generation ship has attracted attention from both the Empire and the Federation. A recent trade appeal in the Upaniklis system provided the Golconda with emergency aid. Each of the superpowers has since deployed a megaship to the area, along with proposals for integrating the... Read more
Red Family Operation Concludes
The Federal Intelligence Agency has declared that its campaign against the Red Family cartel is drawing to a close. As observed by Ethan Takahashi, crime correspondent for The Federal Times: “In terms of effective action, this has to be considered a great victory for the FIA. A series of... Read more
Thargoids Defend Meta-Alloy Sources
The Thargoids have emerged in the Witch Head Nebula, just hours after human expansion efforts in the region began. Numerous attacks in the area indicate that Thargoid craft are aggressively defending the region’s barnacle sites. Professor Alba Tesreau of Aegis Research said in an update: “Representative factions of the... Read more
Unchain Purchases Imperial Slaves
The anti-slavery charity Unchain has officially purchased the 4,000 Imperial slaves who were forcibly freed on Eotienses A 3. Princess Aisling Duval, the charity’s patron, gave the following statement to the press: “The contracts of all those liberated against their will have been acquired by Unchain. They will be... Read more
Red Family Cartel Raids Successful
The Red Family cartel has suffered enormous losses following a series of strikes carried out by the Federal Intelligence Agency. Crime correspondent Ethan Takahashi summarised his report in The Federal Times: “In a coordinated operation spanning multiple systems, FIA troops raided hidden Red Family bases and manufacturing plants. Dozens... Read more
Week in Review
Here are this week’s main stories. Aegis Research has announced that the Witch Head Nebula is a viable alternative source of meta-alloys. Professor Alba Tesreau confirmed that the survey data provided by the galactic community allowed her team to identify this area as a prime source of Thargoid barnacle... Read more