Un garde du corps du président trouvé assassiné
Les services de sécurité fédéraux ont révélé aujourd’hui qu’un garde du corps présidentielle a été trouvé mort dans sa maison. «L’agent Susan Monroe a été tuée aux premières heures de ce matin et il est prouvé que sa résidence avait été fouillée. À ce moment nous ne savons pas... Lire la suite
Gun Battle Ends Darius Family Murder Investigation
The hunt for the killers of the Darius family came to a dramatic conclusion today in a firefight with local security forces on Eotienses. The Darius family was brutally murdered four days ago in what is believed to be revenge for Brendan Paul Darius’s assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval.... Lire la suite
Economy of Apalar Improves
Officials at Svavarsson Terminal in the Apalar system have announced that they have received the necessary quantities of industrial materials to elevate their system’s economy. The request issued by the government of Apalar was met with resounding enthusiasm, as independent pilots from across the galaxy helped to give the... Lire la suite
Further Disturbances in Mourners’ Line
Imperial Naval infantry have once again intervened as protesters – who have taken issue with Senator Denton Patreus’s connection to Brendan Paul Darius, the Emperor’s murderer – attempted to prevent access to some of Senator Patreus’s allies late last night. This time the agitators resisted the soldiers’ efforts to... Lire la suite
Assassin’s Family Brutally Murdered
The immediate family of Brendan Paul Darius – including his mother, father, sister and six year old niece – have been found murdered at their home on Eotienses. Inspector Reeve commented to local press that these were the most horrific deaths he had encountered in his many years of... Lire la suite
Deux morts dans un tragique accident
Deux personnes sont mortes dans une colision entre un véhicule personnel et un vaisseau de transport lourd Lakon Type-9. Le petit vaisseau, le genre utilisé pour se déplacer entre les installations orbitales, a été détruit dans l’impact. Le petit vaisseau transportait deux agents officiels de la sûreté du transport... Lire la suite
Where’s Walden Now?
Today marks 36 years since the last ‘Walden Day’, the annual celebration of the great leader across all four continents of Lave, where prefects, primes and factors would try to outdo each other with how much love they could show the planet’s ruler. Lave in 3301 does its best... Lire la suite
Portrait of a Bounty Hunter
Social historians sometimes have a tendency to focus on the rich and powerful, forgetting that the people who dwell on society’s margins can also have an impact on the shape of the galaxy. In this new series, we take a look at some of recent history’s less well-known figures,... Lire la suite
Millions Pay Respects
Millions of senators, patrons, clients, citizens and slaves from across the Empire are making the journey to the Hall of Martyrs on Capitol in the Achenar system to pay their respects to the late Emperor. The queue to view the Emperor’s body already stretches several miles from the Imperial... Lire la suite
Gutamaya Shipyards Reinstates Restrictions
Last month, Gutamaya Shipyards temporarily lifted the rank-related restrictions on the Imperial Clipper and Imperial Courier, thereby allowing any independent pilot with an active rank in the Imperial Navy to purchase and fly one of the vessels. Following news of the Emperor’s assassination, however, Gutamaya Shipyards has decided to... Lire la suite