Powerplay Standings: November 3310 Powerplay Standings: November 3310
Post Views: 172 With a renewed focus on internal politics within the core systems, Conrad Sterling of Vox Galactica has provided an analysis of... Powerplay Standings: November 3310

With a renewed focus on internal politics within the core systems, Conrad Sterling of Vox Galactica has provided an analysis of the current support for key figures of importance based on system allegiance.

Population surveys suggest the following five powers lead the way in this early stage:

Rank 1: Edmund Mahon – 1355 systems

Rank 2: Aisling Duval – 1296 systems

Rank 3: Arissa Lavigny-Duval – 1162 systems

Rank 4: Yuri Grom – 956 systems

Rank 5: Pranav Antal – 659 systems

With power influence fluctuating from week to week, it remains to be seen if these powers will enjoy their relatively large influence over the coming months.

Powers are offering plenty of incentives and rewards for those pledging to their cause, with independent pilots reaping the benefits of the growing struggle for prestige and authority.

Vox Galactica will continue to monitor the ongoing political landscape as it unfolds.