Deux morts dans un tragique accident
Post Views: 1 151 Deux personnes sont mortes dans une colision entre un véhicule personnel et un vaisseau de transport lourd Lakon Type-9. Le petit vaisseau, le genre utilisé pour se déplacer entre les installations orbitales, a été détruit dans l’impact. Le petit vaisseau transportait deux agents officiels de la... Lire la suite
Patreus Reacts Angrily to Crowd’s Taunts
Post Views: 959 Some elements of the lower-level Imperial political scene have challenged Senator Denton Patreus to explain his connection to Brendan Paul Darius, the assassin responsible for the murder of the Emperor during the wedding ceremony with Florence Lavigny. Since the revelation of the assassin’s identity the senator... Lire la suite
Les pirates en déroute à Bast.
Post Views: 1 042 Des sources officielles à Hart Station ont confirmées que les efforts pour éliminer les vaisseaux pirates qui ciblaient les transporteurs de matériel médical dans la région ont été un succès retentissant. L’Union of Bast Liberals, qui avait placé des primes sur ces pirates, a déclaré que... Lire la suite
Where’s Walden Now?
Post Views: 915 Today marks 36 years since the last ‘Walden Day’, the annual celebration of the great leader across all four continents of Lave, where prefects, primes and factors would try to outdo each other with how much love they could show the planet’s ruler. Lave in 3301... Lire la suite
Portrait of a Bounty Hunter
Post Views: 935 Social historians sometimes have a tendency to focus on the rich and powerful, forgetting that the people who dwell on society’s margins can also have an impact on the shape of the galaxy. In this new series, we take a look at some of recent history’s... Lire la suite
Leaked Footage of Emperor’s Assassination
Post Views: 928 In a move sending shockwaves of revulsion throughout the Empire, an independent newsfeed, Russell Networks, based in the Tulill system, has broadcast what is claimed to be a holographic recording of the assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval. Imperial networks are refusing to show the footage and... Lire la suite
Post Views: 1 665 In respect of the assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval the planned article for this week has been moved to next week so that historian Sima Kalhana relates some of the key moments from his life. Emperor Hengist Duval was the 15th in the Imperial Duval bloodline... Lire la suite
Millions Pay Respects
Post Views: 1 015 Millions of senators, patrons, clients, citizens and slaves from across the Empire are making the journey to the Hall of Martyrs on Capitol in the Achenar system to pay their respects to the late Emperor. The queue to view the Emperor’s body already stretches several miles... Lire la suite
Children of Liberty call out Alliance Hypocrisy
Post Views: 932 A group calling itself the ‘Children of Liberty’ has made a public statement concerning the Alliance and what they call its “rampant hypocrisy”. The group claims that a « huge gulf » exists between the Alliance’s professed goals and values and the reality present in many of its... Lire la suite
Chancellor Blaine Issues Statement
Post Views: 1 661 With no clear successor to the Emperor, Chancellor Blaine has accepted the task of governing the Empire until the succession has been determined. He reiterated his statement that the matter would be resolved after Emperor’s funeral. He then revealed more about the investigation into the regicide:... Lire la suite