Senator Patreus Declares Succession About Power Not Blood Senator Patreus Declares Succession About Power Not Blood
Post Views: 1,005 At the annual Feast of the 100, a banquet for key business leaders on Capitol in Achenar, one of the after... Senator Patreus Declares Succession About Power Not Blood

At the annual Feast of the 100, a banquet for key business leaders on Capitol in Achenar, one of the after dinner speakers, Senator Denton Patreus declared the importance of the Imperial succession.

“We have a truly great Empire. Our grace Emperor Hengist is sadly not well, and I wish him a speedy recovery. Nevertheless, we do need to plan should the worst happen. The choice of our next Emperor is a vital one. The succession should not be about family bloodlines, but about who would be best for the future Empire. For past generations, and for Hengist himself, he was groomed for power for decades by his great father, and this has worked well for over a thousand years. It was not just about blood, it was about learning from his father. This time there is no such successor, so things need to change.”