Pilots Call for Starship Lighting Enquiry Pilots Call for Starship Lighting Enquiry
Post Views: 943 More than 220,000 pilots have signed a petition calling for an inquiry into the lack of anti-collision lights on starships and... Pilots Call for Starship Lighting Enquiry

More than 220,000 pilots have signed a petition calling for an inquiry into the lack of anti-collision lights on starships and emergency lighting on system-authority ships. Jenson Zanetti, chairman of the Pilots Federation Safety Board, stated:

“At some point in their careers, most pilots will be struck by an authority or private vessel they did not see, which can be disastrous for both parties. If our proposals are implemented, we predict a massive decrease in the number of fatal collisions in and around space stations.”

The petition calls for all system-authority vessels to be fitted with lighting equipment to help pilots identify these important craft, and for anti-collision lights to be fitted to all starships. The petition concludes by stating that the lights only need to be used within a station’s no-fire zone, and when the ship’s main lights are active.

Commander Devenish, Alliance News Network